Forever at your service part four

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The next morning Annabelle woke up slightly latter then usual, the sun had already been out for a few hours now and she felt stiff and uncomfortable from sleeping so long. So she got up off her bed and grabbed her uniform before she started to make her way down to the wash room. She bathed quickly then pulled her work dress on, leaving her wet hair hang loose so it would dry faster. When she was done she walked over to the door to leave the wash room but the moment she opened it she found herself face to face with Melody.

She was still wearing her sleeping gown and her thick black hair was messy and uncombed.

“Good morning” I greeted her with a smile.

“Good morning” she repeated quickly as she gave me what seemed like a somewhat forced smile.

I couldn’t help but notice that her eyes where red, as if she had been crying all last night.

I was about to ask her if something was upsetting her but before I had the chance to speak again she had already walked over to the bath making it clear that she didn’t want to have a conversation at the moment.

So instead of bothering her I left the room with out another word and made my way to the kitchens.

The moment I entered the room the smell of food filled my senses, I was not aware of how hungry I was before now. After visiting Lady Valerie’s room yesterday evening I didn’t feel like eating much so instead I had went straight back to my room without any dinner, but now the lack of food yesterday was starting to effect me.

“Good morning Annabelle, are you hungry?” A girlish voice said.

I then noticed that Riley was standing not to far from me with a large smile on her face.

“Good morning. Yes I am.” I answered her.

She gave me a little laugh, then walked away from me and over to one of the cooks. When she came back a few seconds latter she was carrying a place with eggs and sausage, she set it down on the counter closest to us.

I pulled up a chair and started eating.

Riley also brought a chair and sat next to me as I ate; she sat there twirling one of her blonde pigtails around her finger as she patiently waited for me to finish eating.

“I ran into Melody in the wash room not to long ago” I said between bites of egg.

“Did you now? I was wondering where she was, I guess she woke up late as well” She said.

“It looked like she had been crying” I admitted.

The moment I informed her of this the smile faded off her face and she stopped twirling her hair.

“Yes, that happens sometimes” She said quietly.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

Riley looked as if she would rather be talking about something else.

“She cries a lot, at night mostly. I can hear her it through the walls because her bedroom is right next to mine. She’s gotten a lot better now though, it used to be every night that I would hear her but the past month or so she has calmed down and hasn’t been crying so often.” She said in a low voice so that none of the cooks would overhear us.

It was strange to think of Melody crying, although I hardly know her she just gave off a very strong and confident vibe, not nearly as confident as Miss Valerie but something similar to that.

“Why does she cry?” I asked.

Riley looked away awkwardly

“I don’t know” She lied

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