Chapter 4

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A/N'S~ Ok so here's Fernando's Pov so that you all understand him:) Sorry is so short.

Fernando’s Pov

I have grown to like the Rosewoods, they were nice, and sweet can’t say the same about their oldest son.

Brody Rosewood-Wright.

He made my skin crawl and not in a bad way, he made me nervous and dare I say attracted to him.

But he is as they describe him to me, cold and heartless with love for no one.

I kept trying to call him, I tried I really did but something kept holding me back.

I’m scared shitless of Brody and by making this call I would be signing my death warrant.

If I didn’t than I would be signing my little brother’s death warrant.

Muerte had kidnapped my younger brother, and said he would kill him if I didn’t do this for him.

As soon as he found his dad’s killer he started the plan to get him.

He send me here with false documentations as an exchange student studying to be an engineer, which it was a load of shit since I wanted to be a doctor.

Muerte and his group beat me than after I still wouldn’t agree they went and grabbed my brother.

My only living family relative and I would do anything to protect him.

‘’So than why aren’t you making that call?’’  I ask myself that over and over.

I didn’t want to hurt Aidan, Sebastian and the kids.

‘’Liar!’’  Damn me and my conscious.

Yes it was because of Brody, but why am I stalling?

As much as he scares me, he turns me on and that’s why I was nervous that night.

I was afraid he could see my hard on and maybe beat me; I knew he didn’t have a problem with gays since he has two dads but I didn’t know if he like being hit on by one himself.

I went to my car and just sat there thinking about what to do.

I had no options and I knew it if I wanted my brother save and alive I had to do what Muerte wants me to and that’s making the call that Brody Rosewood-Wright is back in his home town visiting the folks.

God willing maybe Muerte could grow a heart and let the rest of his family alive.

He only wants Brody, but then why am I hesitating to call him?

Why am I even trying to stall time for Brody, he doesn’t even like me, he hates me and he suspects me.

I close my eyes hoping, all this was just a nightmare and that I was back in Mexico with my little brother.

Walking him to school, than go to work at the morgue’s.

 After work I would be right back to pick him up from school.

Our lives were happy and normal until Muerte went into the morgue and snatch me up.

I hold up as much as I could but the minute he mention my brother, I gave up and he knew he broke me and had me at his disposal.

I didn’t feel like being watch by Brody today, so I went and hid at a friend’s house for the night.

Grabbing my phone to text, I snort at the irony minutes ago I hate it this phone and now I’m happily texting away. To Aidan and Sebastian I was fine texting but to him no.

The only good thing about being here was that to show the part I did had to go to school and I made some friends even if all of it was lie, I still enjoyed this.

Tomorrow, I promise tomorrow I will give Muerte what he wants and get Miguel back.

Brother first, friend second.

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