What A Crap Day!

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I sat there on my bed and waited for my dad to bring the rest of stuff up from the car. I had recently just moved here to the smallest possible town, Kastely. I used to live with my mum in the big city of Gorge until she got remarried to a loser of a step-dad, Phil. I heard the foot steps of Charlie, my little sister running up the stairs, so I jumped off my bed waiting for her to enter my room. She came flying into my arms and I kissed her sweet long blonde hair as she started to giggle. I loved her she was the only sibling I had left after my twin brother, Andrew died. Charlie was only 2 so she didn’t remember him but me being only 9 and us being as tight as brother and sister can get, it hit me pretty hard. Not to mention that that same year my parents got a divorce. All these memories coming back to me made a few tears escape my eyes. “Are you oh-tay?” Charlie asked as she whipped the tears away.

“Yeah bubba, I’m fine.” I replied.

 “Knock knock,” dad said as he entered the room.

“This is the last of your stuff,” he said putting 3 boxes and a suitcase on my single bed.

 “Do you need any help unpacking,” he suggested with his hands in his pockets.

 “No, I should be fine, Charlie can help me anyway,” I said tickling Charlie on my bed.

She giggled, which made me feel at home.

 “Charlie can you grab that box of toys over there, they are for you from mummy, she misses you very much, maybe you should write her a letter,” I said in a kiddie voice.

Charlie has always lived with dad, when they divorced mum got me and dad got Charlie. There really wasn’t much to my life. Charlie decided to dive into the massive box and surrounded herself in the toys. She had the cheekiest grin on her face that all I could do was laugh it took me around 7 hours to sort all my junk into one tiny room, in Sydney I had the biggest room with a king size bed, and my own bathroom. Now I’m stuck with one communal bathroom and the smallest bedroom that can only squeeze in a single bed… how enjoyable. I walked down stairs to find a box of pizza sitting on the bench so I decided to start eating. I looked around the small house for a dinning table, I couldn’t find one. So I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. How could Charlie and dad live like this? Speaking of the devil Charlie came bolting down the stairs in her little bear Pj’s. They were so cute but way to big.

 “Ellie! Can you read me a bed-time-story, please, please” she screamed at me.

“Okay okay calm down you scary teddy bear,” as I chased her to her room. I finally got her to fall asleep. I yawned and crashed on my bed.

 ‘Bleep Bleep’ went my alarm.

 “What the hell, I didn’t set my alarm.” I said still half asleep.

 “No I did, come on you start school today,” said dad, chucking a second-hand uniform.

 ‘Yuck,’ I thought to myself. But if I was going to live with my dad I had to be good, as he had pretty high expectations of me. This sadly wasn’t a good thing as I’m not very bright or smart. I got dressed and looked at the colours of the disgusting uniform. They were bright red, a dark yellow and a baby blue colour.

“Who in their right mind would put these colours together, I tell you a pretty fucked up person.”

 I decided to add some guy-ness to it. So I put on my ripped skinny jeans instead of the gay pleated skirt. I drenched my long black and purple hair and ruffled it enough to make it look like I put no effort into it, and blow-dried my fringe and bangs. I put on my bright blue converse and headed down to the kitchen for some toast. To my disappointment there was no bread so I searched through the cupboard, there was absolutely nothing. So I decided to grab my bag and a head off for school early, I walked out the front to find dads car already gone. So started to walk down the main and only street of Kastely. School wasn’t that hard to find, as there is only two schools in this town and one was a primary. I made my lonely way through the student filled halls until I found my locker, number 29. I couldn’t open my locker, I pulled it I shoved it I tried the code like 100 times but I couldn’t get it, ‘great now I have to lug my bag everywhere’ I thought to myself. A shadow came up behind me, I slowly turned around and I found a kinder buff emo looking Goth guy. He had hair just below his ears and roughly brushed with hot bangs and red tips. I was in love with his crystal blue eyes, and adored his black skinny jeans and skull t-shirt. I was utterly madly in love.

 “Hi, I’m Eric Knight,” he said with his so kissable lips.

 “Umm hey I’m Ellie Wirth,” I said staring up at him like a total dork.

 “Your new here right?” Eric asked.

“Yeah,” was all I could reply?

“What homeroom are you in?” he asked

“10B, I think,”

“nice I’m in that room too, here I’ll show you the way,” he said in the kindest voice ever!

He turned and walked back down the hall in the way that I had just came. As I walked I shoved my books into my bag and hurried to keep up with the god, Eric.

“You will have to go see the schools lock-smith about your locker.” Eric said trying to make conversation.

“Yeah I will after school,” I replied trying not to say anything uncool.

We walked the rest of the short distance to our homeroom and I took a seat behind Eric as the seat next to him was filled by an incredibly girly girl who had blonde hair that fell in ringlets just below her shoulders which was covered in a pink cardigan. I felt like I was gunner vomit at her perfume. I sat there for out ten minutes staring at Eric’s god like body-structure until I was disturbed and heart broken when the two started making out right in front of my. I felt like I could die. ‘I had only just met him, he has a girlfriend, it will be fine, it’s not his fault, and it’s not your fault.’ I kept telling myself.

For the rest of the class I sat there and stared at the back of Eric’s head. It was pretty sad that I had only met the guy and totally fell in love with him then found out that he had a girlfriend all in less than 10 minutes. The bell rung another 7 times before I was legally aloud to go home. I waited out the front for about 5 minutes to see if dad was coming to pick me up or if I was to walk home. I walked home that afternoon slower than ever, still thinking about Eric and little miss perfect.

 I walked up the ice-drive way and as I walked up the stairs I feel back onto my ass. I quickly got up hoping no-one saw me and ran through the door as fast as I could. I walked up the stairs and dumped my bag on my bed and walked into Charlie’s room, she was sitting on the floor balling her eyes out in the corner.

“What’s the matter bubba? Are you okay? What happened?” I asked.

She turned around. There was a hole in her lung!

“Holy Shit!” I screamed running toward her. I picked her up and examined her. She pointed behind me. I turned around to find Eric standing in front of the now closed door.

“Eric! What happened do you know?” I screamed at him. I was now covered in Charlie’s blood and then she pasted out. “No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no!” I just kept shouting as I ran to the door. I expected Eric to move but he didn’t move.

“Eric move I’ve got to get my sister to the hospital now!” I screamed at him.

But he didn’t move. He just stood there I punched him in the gut and kicked him in the balls yet he didn’t move. I crashed on the floor as my sister died in my arms. I cried and cried. I found the knife used to stab my little sister and handed it to Eric.

“Kill me come on kill me now!” I screamed.

He just stood there so I snatched the knife and stabbed my own heart.

“This was my first day at a new life and it’s fucked up. Isn’t it great?” Was the only thing in my mind as my soul left my body.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2011 ⏰

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