Chapter Number Six [Unedited]

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Sorry sorry sorry sorry! But, we're back! :) And we have posted three chapters! :) 

Enjoy, Comment, Vote! ;P



I let Dante scurry on ahead of me and narrowed my eyes at hi broad back. Why had he saved her? Why did he care? All other Supernaturals were killing off humans not helping them? Why was he different?

A part of me didn’t like his response, didn’t trust it and I was willing to listen to the part of me. I wasn’t going to let my guard down to easily. Who knew what they were planning? For all I know, they could be gathering humans up and then offering them up to their King or whatever.

“Hurry up,” he called back as we emerged from the trees at the cave entrance. I slid out after him and stopped, watching as he headed up the rocks.

Dante glanced down at him, his almost golden eyes focusing on me and frowning slightly. I just watched him, the way his body stilled and easily kept his balance on the slippery rocks.

“Robin?” He asked.

As my side Shadow growled softly and I moved up the rocks, jumping one from the other and as I reached him, I stopped and looked at him.

“If you try anything funny or hurt any of my friends, even Kiera, I will make you regret it with your whole being,” I snarled fiercely. “I may be human and not as strong as you but I will not let you harm them.”

I didn’t wait for his response, just brushed past him and waltzed into the open cave leaving a rather stunned Leopard behind me. Inside, I moved to my brother’s side by the fire and sat next to him as Shadow settled on my other side.

“Ro? You Ok?” Reed asked weaving his arm around my shoulders.

“Fine,” I muttered back looking into the flames as if they held the secrets and answers to my many questions.

“Why are you wearing Dante’s shirt?” Kiera spoke up and I blinked at her fingering the soft material of the T.

“Because I was cold,” was all I replied before turning to Jake. He sat across from me, legs crossed and hands lying on his knees. Blank eyes stared at nothing in particular, they were red though with unshed tears.

“Jake?” I leant forward toward the flames trying to get his attention. “Jake? Jacob?” He didn’t response, didn’t blink, nothing.

“Ro, don’t,” Reed whispered. “He’s been like this for a while now.”

“It’s hit him hard,” Levy murmured from Reed’s other side. She peered around him at me. “The loss of Shane.”

“Jake,” I tried again but still nothing.

I knew they were listening to us. Kiera crawled over and sat by Shadow just content to marvel at the wolf while the Supernatural bunch stood to the side and eyed us. Sliding away from the others I moved over so I knelt next to Jake and rested my hand on his shoulder.

“Jakey?” I murmured combing my fingers through his hair. “Hey, look at me. It’ll be OK, I swear.”

“You shouldn’t lie,” Ana purred from where she stood.

“Shut up, furball!” I growled at her.

She growled her lip curling up to reveal sharpening teeth. Anastasia took what she probably thought was a threatening step towards me and I scoffed.

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