Lets play doctor

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It was a nice morning, a stereotypically nice morning; blue skies, birds calling. Maddy woke up feeling happy not only because it was the weekend but she was going over to her friend, Josh's house. Josh was a strange boy, but Maddy enjoyed spending time with him, they would play childish games and it was fun for her to feel like a kid again. Maddy got up, got changed into pale blue denim shorts and a navy blue singlet, she brushed her long dark hair quickly and ran down stairs and quickly wolfed down her breakfast as she was eager to get to Josh's. His house was only three blocks away and since it was such a nice morning she decided to walk. She got to his house and knocked on the door, Josh appeared and smiled when he saw her.

"Hi Maddy! I've planed such a fun day for us today" he said as he pushed his blonde, floppy hair off his face. Maddy smiled and they went inside.

"are your parents here?"

"nah, they're away for the weekend" he smiled and took Maddy's hand and led her to the basement saying

"today's going to be so fun!". When they got to the basement Maddy saw a dentists chair and turned to Josh who excitedly said

"lets play doctor! You'll be the patient" Maddy grinned and laid in the chair fake coughing and saying "argh, I feel sick doc"

"Ah, yes yes just wait in the chair while I get my doctors tools" said josh in an exaggerated low voice. Maddy giggled and lay down when suddenly josh strapped her arms and legs down, she looked at him puzzled he just said "to stop you from squirming during the operation" Maddy lay down again and waited for josh to return which the "doctors tools".

She heard footsteps coming back and turned her head expecting to see plastic stethoscopes and butter knifes but instead saw josh holding a large bucket full of knifes and scissors and various objects she didn't recognise

"um, what are those for doc?" Maddie asked nervously.

"For your operation silly!" Replied josh with a wicked smile

"Um Josh, how bout we play hide and seek instead? I don't really want to play doctor" Maddy was getting panicky.

"No no no! I have everything ready, c'mon it'll be fun. Last time I played with Rodger he lasted two whole hours until I got bored and ended it" said Josh, a wicked, sick look in his eye

"Um Josh you know those tools can really hurt someone" Maddy was frightened she couldn't move and nobody was around to help her

"Oh I know! I plan to start with your hands but I'd really like to do some work on your eyes...oh that can wait for later" Maddy lay back she knew there was nothing she could do. Josh picked up a scalpel and went over to Maddy's right hand he made a deep cut down the length of her hand. Maddy's eyes filled with tears.

"Oh stop it you, it's only a cut!" Said josh he pulled the skin if her hand back to reveal the bones. Maddy screamed.

"Oh shut up Maddy! We're only getting started. If you don't shut up

I'll make you mute!" Screamed josh.

Maddy was shaking. She was horrified, but kept her mouth shut. Josh poked at the exposed bone and quickly put a metal rod under a bone and yanked it up it cracked in half. Maddy couldn't keep it in anymore, she screamed.

"Oh Maddy! I did warn you, I'm going to mute you now" he said with a cold, dead look in his eyes

"No! Please I'll keep quite I promise!" Maddy's eyes filled with tears. She was terrified

"No, I gave you a warning it's too late, now open wide" Maddy opened her mouth she was terrified of what was going to happen

"C'mon Maddy! Wider!" Josh chimed

"I can't!" Maddy yelped

"Fine! I'll do it myself!" Josh then took a knife and sliced open Maddy's cheek and repeated this on the other side. Maddy was screaming the entire time; her mouth was burning in pain and she was choking on her own blood. Josh took a long metal device which look like it was used for grabbing things.

"Now stay still" Josh said as he shone a flashlight down her throat. He chuckled to himself:

"man, it's messy down there". Then carefully he lowered the device into her mouth and down her throat, earning choking noises. Maddy felt something very odd when something down her throat was griped and she froze as whatever it was, was ripped clean out of her mouth. Now Maddy felt an excruciating pain in the back of her throat but as she tried to scream all that came out was an inhuman noise

"Got 'em!" Josh said with glee; he had ripped out Maddy's vocal chords. That certainly was a mute button.

"Now lets play with your hands again!" Josh said with a smile as poked at Maddy's fingers with the sharp end of the scalpel. Making pricks here and there. Maddy felt a sharp pain as a sharp blade was forcefully shoved under his fingernail.

"Fingernails are so girly, don't ya agree?" Josh said, and in one swift movement flicked the nail clean off the skin. "Well, clean as in no broken pieces" Josh continued this action with all 9 other fingernails, then he paused and frowned.

"Oh Maddy! Your hands are so boring!" Josh said as he grabbed a rusty saw.

"Now hold still" and with one swift move he cut her hand clean off. Maddy made a strange gurgling noise as tears poured. Josh just laughed;

"Hmm, what next?... Oh I know! Your knees!"

Maddy was in hell she wondered how long it would until she died. Josh got a hammer and slammed it down on Maddy's knee and repeated this with the other knee, he grinned.

"Lets see what damage we have" he quickly cut open her knee and stacked away the flesh to see her shattered knee caps. He looked disappointed as he threw the bits of bone on the floor. Maddy thought she was going to pass out from the pain - and she wished she would

"Well lets get round to the fun organ part!" Josh said excitedly taking a knife and making a cross cut on her stomach, opening the flaps of skin and cutting away at the abdominal sac; making safe sure to not let anything spill out. Maddy just let tears stream down,sniffling and hiccuping, coughing and chocking as Josh did his thing.

"I always thought the intestines looked like giant worms" Josh said laughing, and carefully taking out the entrails and sprawling them out oh-so carefully, making darn sure they could still work.

Josh worked his way in Maddy's abdomen poking at kidneys and pancreases in the process.

"I guess I shall do the grand finale" Josh said with a sad sigh taking the saw and slowly cutting in a vertical line up from the giant gap in Maddy's Abdomen and up to her chest, neck and soon face. Maddy was long gone by then as josh scrapped the muscle off the bone. Blood puddles under the Josh's feet as he finished up his job. He continued peeling off any kind of organic matter off the hard bone, wanting only that and tossing everything else to the floor.

Grinning at his finished work he put the remaining skeleton to the side and began cleaning up.

Thanks for all the support, it means a lot Xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2014 ⏰

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