Chapter 40 - A Work Week Commences

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It was not the echo of whistles blowing across town that awoke Margaret first; it was the heavy footfall of Nicholas Higgins and a constant mummer of questioning he posed to Pru Cartwright. In the early morning darkness, he sat at the kitchen table eating biscuits dipped in an animal fat gravy, washed down with a strongly brewed tea. Pru laid out her tea service and bread and jam for Margaret, Maria Louise and Lilly, expecting that the fine City folk would not rise from their beds for at least a few more hours. Margaret smiled at the though of capturing Nicholas and Pru in their morning routine, swung her legs over the side of the bed, found her slippers and wrapped herself in a chunky wool shawl to greet the couple. She walked quietly into the kitchen and found Nicholas hunched over his breakfast while Pru tidied the kitchen around him.

"So's he took her and delivered her back, all on his own, eh?" Nicholas growled. "Good thing it was Thornton. I've a responsibility to watch over the girl, now don' I?"

"Good morning." Margaret said cheerily, catching Nicholas and Pru by surprise. "Miss Margaret! What are you doing up so early? Did we wake ye? This lug of a man don' know what a whisper is. Part deaf, he is." Pru put her hand on Nicholas' head and ruffled his messy hair.

" I couldn't sleep." she fibbed. "I have such an exciting day ahead of me, and I am anxious to start."

"Here, Miss. Sit yerself down and I will bring you some tea. Mind it is strong, like ol' Nicholas here." Pru drew back the chair closest to the stove to offer a warm seat for Margaret, and then poured out a cup of tea. Margaret took the cup in both hands, warming herself against the early morning chill. "What are your plans today, Nicholas?" Margaret asked.

"Oh, same as every Monday. It's off the the butcher with my Lass, here." He put his arm around Pru's waist, trying to pull her closer, but she fought him off respectfully. "Here now, Nicholas! Stop it! We've a guest in the house!" Pru hissed. "You'll wake the others if you don't stop." Nicholas rolled his eyes at Pru's objections and continued with his itinerary. "We've other stops to make at the market, dropping Pru at the Mill and then it's over to the metal works to see things off properly, and then back to the Mill to check in on the boss." Nicholas looked tentatively at Pru. "Pru says he looked a bit peckish last night."

"Bad cough, Miss. You noticed it?" Pru added with concern in her voice.

"Yes, although he says he is feeling better." Margaret offered hopefully.

"Never seen John sick before, Miss Margaret." Nicholas rubbed his chin. "Think it best I do check in on him."

"I was hoping to see Mr. Thornton myself." Margaret stated. " Perhaps we could go together?" she offered to Nicholas. Nicholas smirked, curious as to Margaret's formality. "Mr. Thornton, it is, Lass? Quite formal address for a man I hear tell that you went out with last night. Unaccompanied?" Nicholas stared at Margaret, and raised an eyebrow. "Do I need to speak to the gen'elman about his intentions?"

"Oh Nicholas!" Margaret laughed.

"You told the mother then, about your engagement?" Pru asked. Margaret drew in a deep breath and breathed out a" yes," with a skeptical look on her face.

"That good, ey?" Nicholas asked.

"Actually, Mrs. Thornton was quite agreeable. It was Fanny that had difficulty with the news."

"Can't see what business it is of hers, Miss." Pru folded her arms across her chest.

"Oh, I think she will come around." Margaret offered. "Eventually. John thinks a shopping trip should clear things up a bit." The couple chuckled loudly, and shushed each other all at the same time. A little voice emerged from the bedroom. "Tia?"

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