Chapter 29 - by xXMade2LoveXx

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** Rae's POV **

I throw a stick into the woods and watch as Snuffles chases after it. The woods are growing lighter as the sun rises and slowly getting warmer. I've been down here since before dawn. Yesterday Elena asked me to bring her food, like nothing had ever happened. I was so surprised that I agreed.

Snuffles returns and I take the stick, but don't throw it. Any interactions with Elena have been making me so anxious. Just seeing her in class makes my heart rate rise. I know she wants to be friends, but I'm not ready for it yet. There's too much hurt and confusion.

"Last one, okay?" I say to Snuffles. He barks and waits for me to throw the stick. I throw it as far as I can and watch Snuffles disappear. I lean back against a tree, waiting. I close my eyes, listening to the soft breeze through the trees. I can hear the sound of Snuffles returning, his feet thumping along the ground. A smile spreads over my face as my eyes open.

"Good b- AH!"

I catch a glimpse of a huge, scaly creature a second before its hand collides with the side of my head. I hit the ground and my head swims. I feel pressure in one of my legs and it starts dragging me into the forest. I scream and lash out, trying to dig my fingers into the ground. I see Snuffles running towards me, his teeth bared. He leaps over me and the pressure on my leg disappears. I struggle over to a tree and pull myself up. I look around and see Snuffles and the beast locked in combat. A sob struggles out of my throat and I clutch the tree for support. I look around and see the lights of Hagrid's hut. I have to get there.

I try putting pressure on my leg, but piercing pain shoots up my leg and I fall against the tree. I try to calm myself, but I'm shaking in pain and shock. I look at the next closest tree.

I just have to make it to that tree.

I stumble towards the tree, dragging on leg behind me. I go from tree to tree, trying to block out the sounds of battle behind me. I have to get to Hagrid. Eventually the trees thin out into a small clearing. It'll take too long to go around the trees on the edge, I'll have to try to get across the middle without help. I pick a tree on the other side and focus completely on it. I count each step as I take it.

One, two, three, come on, just a few more... Four, five, come on... Six...

I'm so focused on the tree that I don't notice the forest fall into silence. I don't hear the sound of steps coming towards me. I don't realise anything has changed until something heavy hits me in the back, knocking me down. I roll onto my back as the thing leaps at me again. I scream louder than I've ever screamed before as it goes for my face. I feel burning in my cheek and strike out. My hands collide with its slimy body. I hear thumping and then the creature goes flying backwards. I slump back, my head spinning, my vision dipping in and out of blackness. I hear yelling and barking, but not Snuffles' barking. This bark is much lower.


Hagrid's face appears over me and he curses. I feel him lift me and try to stop him.

"Snuffles," I mutter, "have to... Get... Snuffles..."

He doesn't seem to hear and jogs towards the castle. I see the lightening sky above me and wish I would faint. The pain is slowly creeping up on me and already I can barely take it. We step into the Entrance Hall and I can hear the sound of other students.


I can hear gasps and muttering as Hagrid moves through the hallways. I turn my face into him, not wanting anyone to see me like this.


I'm set rather onto a bed and I hear Madame Pomfrey come running out. She and Hagrid are speaking, but all I can think about is the blinding pain I'm in. I want to scream and kick and cry, but I can't move. I lie limply on the bed as Madame Pomfrey draws curtains around me. She disappears and returns with potions, bandages and a syringe. I can't even close my eyes. I beg myself to faint. Anything to end this agony. Why, why can't I faint?!

** Remus' POV **

I'm in my classroom setting up for my first class. The end of breakfast bell has just rung and I think of my girls walking up to Gryffindor tower with their friends, getting their books and going off to class. I'm so proud of Elena for trying to change and I'm hopeful that Rae has started to heal.

I start when the door bursts open and look up to see Hagrid, his eyes wide with panic.

"Professor Lupin, sir!" he half-yells, "you'd better come quick!"

I follow him at a sprint, my heart in my mouth. We turn into the hospital wing and I stop.

"Wha- who- I-" I stammer, "Madame Pomfrey!"

She appears from behind some curtains, looking very serious indeed. She beckons me over and I sprint towards her. I duck behind the curtains and see Rae slumped on the bed, her eyes wide open, blood and green slime oozing from cuts on her face, arms and leg.

"Abiala," I say, "but... How?"

"She was in the Forest," Madame Pomfrey answers, resuming her work, "Hagrid heard her scream."

I lean over Rae, looking into her eyes. I know she can see, even though she's paralyzed.

"You're going to be okay, Rae," I tell her quietly. She has tears leaking out of her eyes, the only indication of the pain she's going through. Madame Pomfrey fills a syringe with bright red liquid and I hold Rae's hand. She's always been terrified of injections. I watch as the liquid is injected into her. Her whole body shudders slightly and tenses up. Madame Pomfrey works quickly, injecting pain blockers and cleaning and covering the wounds before the paralysis can wear off completely. I watch as her eye lids lower and lift in a slow blink. She lets out a small whimper and I tighten my grip on her hand. She closes her eyes, screwing her whole face up.

"Snuffles," she mutters, "gotta get... Snuffles..."

"Who's Snuffles?" I ask her softly.

"Dog... Forest... Protected me," she says, each word clearly causing her pain, "please... Find him."

"I'll let Hagrid know," Madame Pomfrey says and disappears. I sit in the chair beside Rae, stroking her hand with the back of my thumb.

"The pain will lessen once the blockers finish kicking in," I tell her. She grits her teeth, nodding. I wait, watching her face until she relaxes and exhales hard.

"Why were you in the Forest so early?" I ask, knowing that the pain blockers will lessen her ability to lie. She probably won't even think that she should lie. Maybe it's taking advantage, but it's the first opportunity I've had to really find out how she's doing.

"Didn't want to see Elena," she mumbles blearily, "not ready."

"What do you mean, you're not ready?" I ask.

"She wants to be friends. I'm still hurt. She doesn't understand," Rae's eyes are slightly unfocused and I can tell she's going to fall asleep soon, "I need time. Need space. Not ready."

"And what about me?" I ask, regretting it quickly as Rae's face screws up with pain and tears cascade down her face.

"You have no idea how hard it is," she sobs messily, "until I met Snuffles... I was so alone..."

"Shh, I know," I brush my fingers through her hair, "Rae, I know you felt that way. I know it was hard for you and I didn't deal with it well. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I thought you were ready to know and I was wrong. I should have waited. I'm so, so sorry."

She sobs into her pillow and my heart breaks looking at her. Gradually her sobs slow as the medicine takes over.

"Do you want to see anyone tonight?" I ask her quickly.

"George... Fred..."

"Not Elena?"


"Okay, I'll come by tonight with them, then," I say. She falls silent for a long moment and I think she's asleep, then,



"I don't want to be alone."

Tears flood into my eyes and I squeeze her hand.

"Okay, I'm not going anywhere."

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