Change of Plans 39

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Hey :) sorry this has taken forever! And sorry it's kinda lame... Let me know what you think!


Thanks :)



Xavier's POV

We had been through so much together and gone through such unlikely events, and yet, here we were.

Through these times, our love had held us together.

Snuggling her in my arms a I lay down on the bed, one thought overwhelmed me.

Now was the time to do it.

I had been thinking about it for weeks. Worried and dread filled me each time the though entered my mind, and so I pushed it aside, waiting for the right moment to think about everything.

Now was that moment.

I would ask Hayden to marry me tonight.



Hayden's POV

My eyes fluttered open and fell upon the warm yellow light that spilled across my carpet, inches out of grasp from the bed.

Yearning to see the sunrise, I stretched, pushing the covers down, but was held in bed by a boulder.

To be specific, an eighteen year old, handsome boulder that lay next to me, arms clasped around my waist.

I fidgeted around, attempting to roll over and face him, but was troubled due to the extra twenty pounds I recently put on. Plus, his hands were clasped around my expanding stomach, keeping me firmly in place.

His fingers started to drum softly on my stomach making me giggle, and I knew he was awake.

"Goodmorning beautiful." he whispered, kissing my ear gently.

"Hello." I said sleepily, yawning as I stretched and slid my legs over the side of the bed after Xavier released me from his arms.

Padding slowly over to the window, I was drenched in the bright orange light pouring in.

Easing down into the window seat overlooking our manicured lawn, I smiled at the warmth the light produced. Lying back against the padded wall behind me, I laid my hands in their now familiar spot atop my bulging abdomen.

Smiling in satisfaction, I rested my head against the wall and closed my eyes, letting the beautiful morning light warm me.

Xavier's POV

She sat in the window, looking so utterly peaceful; eyes closed, hands resting on her stomach with her head laid back against the wall. The morning sunshine shone through the window and illuminated her already glowing face.

In one word, she looked like an angel.

It hit me then.

Now was the moment.

Hayden's POV

"Eh-hem." Xavier said, clearing his throat.

I opened my eyes sleepily and was blinded by the bright light.

Turning to my left, I could make out Xavier. My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room after looking out the bright window and I tried to make out Xavier.

"Hayden," he started.

I tried to focus on him, yet my eyes betrayed me. "Yeah?"

He cleared his throat again as I rubbed my eyes and I removed my hands.

Now able to see clearly, I looked around for him and a shock of dark hair caught my eyes from the ground.

Turning my eyes down, I took in what I saw.

There on the floor sat Xavier.

But not just sitting on the floor, kneeling.

My eyes have betrayed me, I realized when I saw him kneeling on one knee, one hand outstretched out to me.

My eyes met with his and he began. "Hayden." he stopped smiling and composing himself.

"Hayden Alexis Bottichelli, would you do the honor in being my wife?" he asked, opening the lid of the blue velvet box in his outstretched hands to reveal the perfect ring. "Will you marry me?"

A nervous giggle escaped my mouth, and a hand flew to my mouth to cover it. I tried to wipe the smile from my mouth, but I couldn't stop laughing.

A look of shock overtook his face and I couldn't keep the tears from falling.

He blinked, still in shock, and sat there staring at me.

The laughter exploded out of me now as the tears poured down my face. "Yes." I said before more tears overwhelmed me.

"Uhhhmm." he gave me a questioning look and I kept laughing.

"Hormones." I said between laughs, wiping the tears from my cheeks. "Of course I want to marry you."

He breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed in laughter as he scooted over to me to wipe away my tears.

"I thought you were going to say no." he said, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye as he removed the delicate ring from the box.

"I'm sorry." I laughed, wiping at my eyes again.

"Let's try this again." he laughed, getting on one knee again. "Hayden Alexis Bottichelli, will you marry me?" he asked, his entire face lighting up when I smiled.

Holding out my hand, I said, "I do." as a huge smile broke out on my face.

He slid the beautiful ring onto my finger and I admired the beautiful diamonds encrusted around the entire ring. The largest of the jewels was in the center, standing out from the others as it caught the sunlight, reflecting every color of the rainbow.

"It's beautiful." I whispered, as if talking would harm it's magnificent beauty.

"Just like you." he said, kissing my forehead.

He sat down in the window seat next to me and rested one arm around my shoulders while the other rested gently on our baby.

He caught me watching his arm across my belly and he smiled. "We're officially a family now." he smiled.

"Yeah," I said, still in a majestical daze, "I guess we are." I said, rubbing my hand across my baby as the three of us sat there in that window.

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