Chapter 13

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At the doorstep to her house, they all stopped to rest. For some reason none of them were able to meet one another's gaze. Even their breathing was tentative as they glanced over their shoulder to see if they were being followed. Olivia didn't know if it was because they were sorry for trying to trick her. Maybe they were upset that she'd figured things out in the end. Whatever the reason for their unrest, she didn't want to bring it up just yet. Someday they would explain why they lied to her, but right now her greatest concern was...Winterland.

"It's not safe for anyone to live alone here," she said at last, voice unsteady. But if this was her responsibility now, the least she could do was try. "Not with things being as they are. You all should find someone to bunk with until I can figure this out." When silence followed, she added, "I can't afford having any of you die on me. This isn't going to be easy, so please save me some trouble."

Olivia finally met their gazes, one by one, waiting for a response. Averil looked small, and Tess was still pale. Ian looked expressionless, so he was probably tired out after the long day she'd put him through. She waited for any of them to speak, but was also too worn-out to care if they didn't.

"Can I stay with you?" Tess asked at last, with her voice barely audible. "Everyone else is gone, and..." She trailed off.

This was unexpected. Olivia smiled tensely, unable to fathom why anyone would want to stay with her. There was no reason to refuse, though, and she would feel safer with some company. Against her better instinct, the one that insisted she was leader and ought to die alone, she nodded. "Of course you can stay." She swallowed hard. "My mom's room is empty. You can use it while she's gone."

Tess beamed, a display of overwhelming gratitude that Olivia found she couldn't bear to look at. She cleared her throat, then turned away, fishing in her pocket for the key to the house. Everything was hushed for a moment, reminding her of the lonely first day that she came out for a walk. Only the wind made a sound, and it seemed to blow over her head in order to avoid touching her. But she found herself wishing, deep inside her heart, that she could back in time to that day.

Compared to now, things back then hadn't actually been that bad.

Averil broke the silence. "What about me?" she demanded, sounding more afraid than defensive. "Can I stay, too?"

Olivia froze halfway into the motion of unlocking the door. What was this about? Suddenly everyone acted like they needed her, like she could do more about this than them. She pretended to think it over for a moment, but knew she couldn't refuse company, not even if she ought to. "Yes," she replied at last. "You can. But you two might have to share the bed, unless you bring a sleeping bag."

Averil nodded shakily and muttered something that sounded like, "I have a sleeping bag." Then she turned away, breathing hard.

Olivia didn't even ask Ian; she already knew he chose to stay. You can use the couch in the living room, she told him, turning to open the door. Thanks.

He didn't reply, but he didn't really need to.

"Tess, Averil, why don't you two go together to gather some of your things?" she asked, turning to them. "I can't go because I have to get my mom's room ready." They headed off immediately.

Olivia sighed and stumbled inside. She tried to switch on the lights, but it wouldn't work. "I guess we won't be having any tea today," she announced dully, going to sit down at one of the couches. "No electricity. Going to have to find flashlights and candles." She imagined reading the strange diary under the candlelight and smiled grimly.

Ian stood at the window, gazing out. "Better board up the windows," he spoke, after a moment. "Those garden statues...gargoyles, whatever...they're kind of mischievous."

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