Kik, Death, and Bye Bye

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Chapter Eight

Kik, Death, and Bye Bye

Whitney's POV

My eyes went wide and I dropped the frames to the floor, the glass shattering from impact. They wanted me. I looked both ways and the groups of easily, 20 girls started moving in on me. I looked around, tempted to climb up on the shelf. Luckily, I didn't have to be that desperate.

There was a small hole that was made between two girls and wide enough for me to fit through. Or so I hoped. I dropped to the floor, and crawled at record speed through the hole. I jumped up and ran for it. I thought I had gotten away when a hand landed on my arm, and I almost screamed this time.

"Don't scream. I'm helping you." I took their word for it, as they were wearing the grocery signature apron. She dragged me to the back of the store, and I could hear the girls running after us. We picked up our speed.

"YOU DON'T DESERVE NIALL HORAN, YOU BITCH!" It was then I realized why they were after me. Not just cause they wanted someone to pick on. I about stopped to deny the rumours when the girl helping pulled my arm and pushed me out a door. I stumbled out the door and was met with a brick wall. I was in an alley behind the store. I looked both ways and decided to go right.

After a bit of walking, I had turned twice before getting to the front of the store again. My car was parked up here. My eyes were blinded by camera flashes. Paparazzi. They started screaming and hollering, throwing questions at me. I'm sure I looked like a deer caught in headlights, terrified. I saw my car and was thankful that I felt my keys in my pocket. I wasn't a big fan of always carrying a purse. Too much hassle.

"Are you and Niall Horan of One Direction dating?!" One pap yelled. I shook my head, hoping that would suffice for my answer. I didn't trust my voice right now. I was overwhelmed and usually would snap if I talked in this condition.

"Who are you?! Are you the girl who's family got murdered?!" Way to just put it out there. Apparently that pap had information on me that the others didn't know about. The paps started screaming louder, pressing me for questions, and I couldn't help but cry. Somehow the paps had started disappearing and getting quieter.

"GO! GET OUT OF HERE. LEAVE THE POOR GIRL ALONE!" I looked up from my crumpled position on the ground, to see an old man in the signature grocery apron, shooing away the paps. He even had a baseball bat. The paps were soon all gone, their cars peeling out of the parking lot, no doubt running back to the office to write about my breakdown. I can see it now:

Niall Horan's Rumoured Girlfriend: A NUT JOB?

I sighed and the apron guy helped me up.

"Thank you for that." My voice spoke, a little rapsy. He chuckled and nodded, waving it off. He pulled me into the store but I stopped in my tracks. I didn't want to go in there again.

"it's okay. We kicked the 20 or so girls out of the store. You're safe." He assured me. I sighed and ran back to the picture frame aisle. I just wanted to get my frames and go home. I grabbed new frames and the one's I had broken.

"Honey, these are broken." The old lady cashier told me. I just nodded, already knowing that.

"I broke them, I buy them." I told her. She looked suprised and laughed. She scanned the items and I paid, grabbing the bag & reciept. I climbed into the Escalade and looked at the reciept. She had only charged me fore the brand new frames. I smiled. Maybe there still are nice people on Earth.

Four newly framed pictures later, and I was cleaning up the bedroom. Nothing had noticeable happen while I was gone or since I had gotten back. As if I had spoken too soon, I heard a clatter downstairs. I dropped the broom and ran down the stairs. I was getting tired of today, just wishing it was over by now. Nothing in the front room but I heard a sizzling noise. I spun around and walked into the kitchen. There was a pan with eggs in them. COOKING.

Kik, Death, and Other Things (One Direction Fanfic) (Kik Me Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now