2p!HetaliaXReader- Valentine

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((Happy V-day, you little perverts. I'll get a cover soon.))


It was a lonely sound, a locker being smashed shut when nobody was around. You had hardened yourself to it by now, though. Your school was filled with jerks. The only half-decent person was the librarian, who gave you isolated reading time and unlimited access to the vending machine after school in exchange for placing all of the returned books onto their respective shelves. A heavy sigh escaped your lips and were about to turn away when something slipped from your locker. 

"Happy Valentines, ragazza." a blonde chirped behind you. Leonardo. The ring leader of anybody who was anybody. So many people thought he was sweet,  but you knew he was just the same as every one of those anorexic skinny girls or jerky jocks. He smiled. "You're invited~" With that, he flipped his golden hair and walked off. 

The card was an invitation to a Valentine's Day party at the Vargas house, as you found out when you got home. Absolute revoltion turned your face into a snarl. It was probably a trick, knowing Leonardo and his crew. Who the hell did they think they were, teasing you like you were the scum beneath their feet by day and acting as if you were their friend by night. You chucked the invite on your desk in disgust and rubbed your temples, moaning. 

Just throw the stupid thing away. You reached for the thing-

But it wasn't there.

"Looking for this?" Leo was chilling on your bed, twirling the thing in between his fingers. "I knew you were going to be a bad sport. I don't know what they were thinking," he tsked. "You obviously would never look pretty on purpose." 

Anger choked you. What the heck was Leo doing at your house?!? And he had the nerve to just diss you. Really. If people stalked someone, they might as well do it properly. "Gimme that," you snapped, and ripped it from his hands. 

Leo chuckled. "Well, well. Looks like the ragazza actually does care. But you're not really coming, are you?" 

Your eyes smoldered. Leo raised and eyebrow. "Thought not. Shame, too-" he lowered his sunglasses and looked you up and down approvingly. "You have a pretty decent figure." He bounced his eyebrows childishly. 

"Shut up, you bastard." You smacked him and flushed a shade of red that matched his red jacket. "How do you know I'm not coming? You can't read minds." 

"Minds," Leo snorted. "Please, _____. I know you. You're boring." He yawned, as if to emphasize his point. "Ciao." He made for the door. 

"A-am not!" What were you doing?!?! Were you actually trying to impress him? At this point, you weren't really sure. 

"Prove it." 

 "I-I'll go." Stuttering. The picture of confidence. Smooth. 

"Perfetto!" Leo swooped in and gave you  a big hug, suddenly the image of a caring friend. "But not like that.

You gulped. "W-wha-"

"Come on," Leo grabbed your hand and smiled devilishly. "We're gonna fix you right up~" 

Your poor Mom must've been ready to have heart attack when she got home. There was a boy, alone in the house with her precious _______, and not only that, but you were dressed up.  She was literally ready to kick Leo out of the house, but he played the remorseful suck up and had your Mom wrapped around his finger in 3 minutes flat. Stupid flirt. 

Before the two of you left, Leo gave a final, prideful glance at his handiwork. It had taken two loooong hours, but finally, you looked to be perfection. Your normally tangled (hair color) hair was smooth and shiny, and you were in a dress of your favorite color that hugged your curves, but looked perfectly natural and not slutty.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2013 ⏰

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