Got a Ways to Go

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Tobias had a sneer on his face so wicked, it made my skin crawl. His evil eyes were locked on Vergil's dying form. With an angry war-cry, I ripped from the men holding me. Tobias saw me move, racing forward at the same time.

I reached Vergil first, yanking the tubes from his arms. Tobias followed suit, scooping the bowl up before I could kick it over. He laughed as I cradled Vergil's head to my chest.

"Ahh, you are too late." I watched in horror as he dipped the necklace into the liquid. It fizzed violently, before it bubbled and glowed bright blue.

"The Hell Gate will be sealed now. You are doomed." To his men he snapped his fingers, "Kill them."

He turned around and walked away as the two guards grinned evily and cracked their knuckles. I placed a kiss on Vergil's head, praying that he would wake up soon.

With a snarl, I launched myself forwards, tackling one of the men. He fought valiantly as I pinned him, dragging my claws quickly across his throat.

The second man caught me in the nose with a meaty fist. I recoiled, slamming my knee into his stomach. He doubled over, gasping as my knee collided with his nose. He collapsed, laying still.

I quickly picked Vergil off of the floor, slinging his arm over my shoulders. I walked him to the door, heart lurching as I was faced with the choice of or left. I chose right as my first instinct.

I walked quickly, helping Vergil as well. He faded in and out of consciousness as I kept going.

I almost cheered as I came across a door leading out side.  There was two men standing guard around it. I gently laid Vergil down, quickly killing the guards.

As I pulled Vergil out the door, the train began to pound down onto us. I flipped my wet hair from my face, readjusting my grip on Vergil's arm.

I spun quickly around as the bushes behind me rustled. Brook stepped out.

"Brook?" I hissed, "what are you doing here? "

"I came to help. Are you okay? "

I nodded, watching her cautiously as she pulled something from her pocket. It was Vergil's amulet. She slipped it around his neck, watching as it glowed bright blue.

He breathed deeply, and I sat him down against a tree. He looked up at me, "It's done, isn't it? "

I nodded solemnly. He sighed heavily. Brook took a step back, starting at his exhausted physique.

"You could have been killed, Vergil."

Vergil's eyes flashed angrily at her, "You would have liked that, wouldn't you? "

She seemed taken aback, "What? Why would you make that accusation?"

Vergil shook his head,  "Never mind, let's go-"

"Uh uh. You aren't going anywhere. "

I stared at Brook. The words that came from her mouth chilled my blood, "What did you say?"

She grinned menacingly,  "You aren't going anywhere. I'm keeping you here until Tobias deals with you."

Vergil and I shared a disbelieving look, "And I thought you were good when you gave me my amulet."

She sneered, "Well, fighting a half dead man would be no fun. Tobias likes his challenges."

Before I could speak, Tobias stepped into view, "Well done, Brook. You continue to impress me. Now, if you will, please bring these two to Silver Saks Tower. I have unfinished business."

Brook's grin flashed again, "Yes... my love."

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