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"So, uh . . . who wants to do the explaining, here?"

Rex glared daggers through the dirt, wrapping a protective arm around Angel, who shifted uncomfortably. With good reason, of course. Here were two people-especially my sister-who basically made it their life goal to end ours, and all of a sudden were transformed into a couple of desperate refugees. And not just a regular couple, either. An expectant couple.

Because your sister, your diabolical sister, is pregnant.

My head was still spinning.

"I need you to get them out of here," I told her, feeling the imposing time frame like a palpable thing; pressing in on me, suffocating me, squeezing the life out of me prematurely.

Jessica's face was incredulous. "Yeah, I'm going to need a little bit more than that."

"There's no time, Jess. My dad is coming and I want as little collateral damage as possible. And I need you to get Rex and Angel out of here."

"Do you not remember all the times they tried to kill us?"

I grit my teeth, purposefully not looking their way. "Of course I do, Jessica, but that's irrelevant, now. We all have a common enemy; my father. Besides that I can't muster up any animosity for anybody else."

She raked her hands through her hair, and Blake stood still, probably digesting everything. There wasn't enough time to digest everything. I still had August to deal with after this. And then probably Liz, and probably Lucille.

"Please, Jessica. There isn't enough time. I don't care what plane you get them on, just get them out of here."

"The nearest airport is like an hour away!"

"Then that will have to do. Please, Jessica. Please."

She wanted to argue. The expression on her faced betrayed her desire. But even so, she could also sense the immediate urgency of the moment, and her understanding seemed to trump any burning curiosity, thank goodness.

"I expect an explanation when I get back, though," she said, lips curling in distaste as Rex stood and helped Angel to her feet. "This is just so uncomfortable."

I bit my lip. "That's another thing. Take your time coming back, okay?" I said the words slowly, meaningfully. The impact hit her and Blake equally.

"Oh, God," she muttered. "You're doing something stupid."

"I am not."

"You are, too. Jeez, Ellie, just promise me you'll think it over first, whatever you're going to do."

"I promise."

"That was the opposite of genuine, but I'll take it anyway." She hugged me one last time, and then so did Blake, and he and Rex went in search of a car to use. I never thought I'd be in this situation, helping out my sister, the both of us working together . . . well, more or less.

Searching for an available car took longer than I expected. Awkward silence settled around me, Jessica, and Angel. She kept a hand over her stomach, and Jessica couldn't take her eyes off the slight bulge, and I was occupied with maintaining my sanity.

When at last the car appeared around the bend, we released a collective sigh of relief. Jessica bounded off to speak to Blake. Angel stepped up beside me, arms crossed, eyes stern. "Ellie."

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