There are the good days, and then there are the bad :(

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Okay.... so it's not really a one shot per say, but I didn't know what else to do with it but put it on it here :3 So yeah :P Warning: It is really sad and there's a character's death invovled :(

Dear Merlin, 

I'm sorry to tell you that Ealdor was under attack by beasts I know not. Many lives were lost and unfortunately Hunith was one of them. I'm sincerely sorry you had to hear this news by letter, but I know not where you are inside the walls of Camelot. 

Yours Truly, 


This was the letter Merlin had just received early this morning just before one of Arthur's weekly hunts. "Merlin, are you coming or are you just going to stand there like an idiot?" Arthur's voice snapped Merlin out of his thoughts. The Knights chuckled. 

"Arthur, I don't think I'll be coming with you this time, sorry." 

"Don't tell me you're scared?" Arthur hadn't noticed Merlin's odd behavior quite yet and neither have any of the Knights. "What's that you got? A love letter?" Again the Knights laughed. 

"Not exactly." Merlin said tensing up and frowning. 

"What's gotten into you, Merlin? Five minutes ago, you were being annoying and now you're just being moody." 

"Arthur, I need to return to Ealdor, immediately." 

"Why, what's wrong?" Arthur asked, finally being serious. Merlin swallowed hard, a lump forming in his throat. 

"Arthur, Ealdor was attacked and my mother did not survive. I wish to go investigate it and see for myself." 

"Of course, Merlin" Arthur said sobering up. "I'm sorry for your loss." Merlin shook his head. 

"No, Arthur, it's not your fault. Thank you for letting me go." 

"It's no problem." Merlin nodded and took off to Ealdor. He had to know, had to see for himself what happened. Tears pricked the edge of his eyes as the horse sped off to Ealdor. Merlin couldn't hold it in any longer and just started flat out sobbing, like he's done for Freya and his father. He set up camp but he wasn't hungry. He just cried himself to sleep. When he woke up the next morning, he had a huge headache. He took a headache potion and it started to go away. He packed up camp after eating something and headed off to Ealdor. When he first got there, he nearly got sick. He instantly knew what had attacked the village: a pack of Wilddeoren. What he couldn't understand is why they would attack a village outside of their nest and how are they here in Ealdor when they don't live anywhere near Ealdor. The only answer he could come up with is if someone had sent them. 

He spotted his home which was completely flattened. He noticed an arm sticking out a small pile of rubble. He rushed to it immediately and dug his mother out. That struck him odd as the letter he got had said she was dead but how did Mary know that, if his mother was still buried under all this rubble? He pulled her out and checked her pulse. He immediately felt the tears rush back and trailed down his cheeks. He hugged her tightly and just sobbed into her chest. She was so cold. He finally pulled himself together and wiped his tear stained face on his jacket sleeve. He stood up and went to the field near the forest and began digging. He was going to bury her properly. Two hours later, he found himself standing in front of the marked grave of his mother. He didn't know how much longer he stood there before he was brought out of his stupor by the sound of horses trotting up to him. He turned and saw Arthur and the others. He turned away from the grave and met up with Arthur half way. "Merlin, this looks like a pack of Wilddeoren passed through here..." Arthur said frowning as he and the knights dismounted their horses. 

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