The Last Supper

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I'd walked aimlessly for hours, it was only when I saw Mount Weather up ahead that I realized where my legs had carried me. It was an 8-hour walk here from camp, had it been so long since I'd left Bellamy and the others behind. It felt like less.

Emerson had made the trek in less. Or had our blood already began to cure him. I didn't want to think about that. I didn't want to think about Emerson or the Mountain Men. I didn't want to think about any of it.

Yet here I was stood before the gates of Mount Weather. For a moment I closed my eyes, imagining I could turn back time. Imagining I was stood here with Lexa and our Army.

Our plan could have worked, if she'd have just given it a chance. Instead she'd chose to save her people and abandon mine. Instead she'd forced me to irradiate all of Mount Weather.

Only she hadn't forced me to do that. I'd choose to do that. I'd choose to save my people. What we had done wasn't all that different. We'd both sacrificed the lives of others to save our people.

The similarities of our choices scared me. Had she been right all along, was love weakness. Was a good leader heartless? What I'd done to the people of Mount Weather, to those at Tondc was after all heartless.

I had tried to be one of the good guys. I had tried so hard. But I couldn't be one of the good guys and save my people too. Not saving my people was not an option. I had to save my people and I had. So why did I feel like I had failed.

Shaking my thoughts away I pushed open the gate to enter Mount Weather. Monty had switched out the power before we had left. Mount Weather was no longer the fortress with no way in or out. It was now open and powerless. The corridors were dark and deserted. The only sound came from my boots hitting the floor as I strolled deeper inside.

Soon I left the dark deserted corridors behind and found level 5. The aftermath of my actions hit me hard. The bodies of the 380 people I'd irradiated appeared untouched. Though I knew that was untrue. Jasper had insisted on taking the bodies of Maya, her father and those who had helped back to camp. He wanted to bury them in the ground they had sacrificed for him and our friends. My actions had cost him the most. He loved Maya; he would never forgive what I did to her. I wouldn't forgive me either.

There were so many bodies and each and every one of them was here because of me. I'd pulled the lever that had irradiated them all. What would happen to their bodies, would we just leave them all here. They had no Jasper to mourn them. I would mourn them but they'd find no peace from that. After all I was the one who had done this to them.

Bodies were scattered across the floors and slumped over dinner tables. I'd seen an ancient painting once called the Last Supper. The scene before me reminded me of that very painting. Though there was nothing artistic about this sight. The scene before me held nothing but horror and pain. It was a nightmare set in reality.

My eyes fell upon the body of small boy there was a soft bear just outside his reach. His lifeless little body was sprawled beside others alike. Bellamy had said there were children here, but I'd pulled the lever anyway. The weight of what I'd done came crashing down on me, making my legs buckle from beneath me.

I crashed to my knees, finally giving into my emotions as I let the tears pour from my eyes. I cried because I had done this. I had done this to all of them. I had massacred them all and there was nothing I could to do to save them.



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Bellamy's heart eyes are to die for!


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