Chapter 4

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Kiss With A Fist 4

Chapter 4

     I heard a loud crunch; the sound of a fist connecting with flesh, and I was relieved of the huge weight pressing down on me. My eyes flew open in surprise and shock. I slumped down to the ground, exhausted.

     What was happening?

     A dark silhouette was holding Josh up against the wall with one hand, while repeatedly punching him with the other. Josh let out a groan of pain, blood trickling down from his split lip. I heard a sickening crunch, and Josh groaned again. Blood spurted from his most likely broken nose. My rescuer punched Josh a few more times, and Josh's head lolled, unconscious. The silhouette threw him against the wall, turning to me.

     "Are you okay?" asked a familiar accented voice. I nodded my head, unable to speak. He helped me up to my feet, but my legs were like cooked noodles, and I couldn't keep myself up. I looked up into my rescuer's deep, midnight blue eyes. His eyes widened in recognition, reminding me of Ian's similar expression from earlier. "Levi!? What the fuck are you doing 'ere? Why are yo—"

      Without warning, Josh's silhouette stood up, and something glinted in his hand.

      A knife.

     My face paled, and I screamed, trying to warn my mysterious Frenchie. He moved out of the way, a second too late. Josh dug the knife in, producing a foot long gash starting from his shoulder, down towards his elbow. Blood dripped, and he lunged at Josh, but Josh cut him across the chest. He took in a sharp inhale of breath, and stumbled back. Josh lunged again, this time stabbing Frenchie's thigh. He wouldn't be able to fight Josh in this condition. Josh was an extremely good fighter, and armed with a knife he was deadly. And being injured was a definite K. O.

     So I did what a girl's gotta do.

     I knocked the knife out of Josh's hand, and sent a high kick at the side of his head. He was so surprised, he just stood there for a second. Ha! He hadn't been expecting me to be able to fight. That's what he got for underestimating me.

     I sent a hard punch to the spot right below his jaw, making his head snap backwards.

     How ironic. He was the one who'd taught me how to punch properly, and showed me how to put all my body strength into a punch. For a second I felt bad. He had been my best friend, boyfriend and confidante. But I got over it quickly. He had broken my heart, tried to hurt me again, and then he dared to hurt the guy I liked.

     My eyes widened in shock. I liked the French guy? Sure he was hot, but I liked him liked him? That was bound to cause more heartbreak. Damn those flying pink babies in diapers and their stupid heart-shaped arrows. I took a deep breath. Okay. I wouldn't let him know that I liked him, and then he'd find someone else. I'd forget about him. I mean it was only a stupid crush. He wouldn't ever know about this. I couldn't take having my heart ripped out again.

     I was broken out of my reverie by a shout.

     "Watch out!" yelled Frenchie, but the fist was already colliding with my cheekbone by the time he warned me. He couldn't have warned me before Josh punched me?

     "No one hits me without getting hurt!" Josh yelled. I growled in annoyance punching him in his already broken nose. He squeaked in pain.

      "AND NO ONE PUNCHES ME WITHOUT RUINING THEIR PRETTY FACES!" I screamed at him, punching his face until it was a bloody mess. It was the least I could do to pay him back for all the heartache he'd caused me

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