One of the guys

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Gabriella's Pov.

I books in my locker yawning a bit put my since I had to stay up late to study and didn’t get sleep until like 4:30 in the morning which was only about 2 hrs of sleep

I laid my head against the lockers closing my eyes hoping to catch a bit of R&R

Flashback 11 years ago...

It was the first day of kindergarten i didn't have many friends at the time since i was more of a tomboy than a girly girl

My mom dressed me in a little dress and she also put my hair into pigtails, i cross my arms huffing glaring up at my hair

I put my favourite toys in my bag while my mommy wasn't looking, since she doesn't like me taking my things to school in case i loose them

I wave at mommy as she drives away, after dropping me off at school

I run into the school my eyes goes straight to the sandbox outside, a huge smile spreads across my face

I put my bag on my hook taking my toys out and runs outside quickly, not caring if i get the new dress mommy got me dirty

I drop into the sandbox and starts playing in the sand giggling

While i was playing i didn't notice that anyone else had arived yet

I could hear people talking behind me but just assumed it was the teachers not any other kids yet

I was to focused watching barbie being trampled by dirt to notice that there were some boys coming towards me looking angry, upset, and nervous

"Hey you! Shorty!" I heard a little boy yell behind me and i look over my shoulder at him

"My name is Gabriella! Not shorty!" I huff glaring at my pigtails, you see even as a child i had a temper

"Whatever! Get out of our sandbox! No girls allowed!"

I roll my eyes "The sandbox is for everyone, it's not a fort or a clubhouse"

The one behind the who i assume is the leader whispers into his ear "Ugh, but i don't wanna share with a girl!" He whined

A smile started teasing at my lips

"Just let her play there like she said it's for everyone" The one on the other side of the 'Leader' spoke up

"Fine" They all walked to the other side of the sandbox

I continue trampling barbie in dirt giggling i feel eyes on me when i started playing again and i look up seeing the boys looking at me oddly

"I don't like barbie that much" I blush biting my lip

They started to smile and the 'Leader had his lips teasing smile

End of flashback...

(Present time)

After that we started to become best friends and have been friends ever since, we've been through everything together well not EVERYTHING

My thoughts  was interrupted by my friend and did I mention I mostly hang around guys since I’m a bit of a tomboy and nerd, I get the grades and loves doing guy things like playing video games really hated makeup a bit

“Hey man” Josh said sometimes I wonder if they knew I was a girl or not well I love these guys and one more then the others, the others are like brothers to me

“Yeah?” I bite my lip blowing my brown hair out of my face

“Well the guys were wondering if you wanted to hang out? After school” I glance at the sticker on my hat that I was wearing as I bite my lip

“Um yeah sure, I could use a break from studying. Who all are coming?” I was hoping HE was coming

“Nathan, Sean, Me, Derek, Austin and Zack” I was blushing and smiling

“Awesome, I mean yeah cool… uh I need to get to class um see you later josh” I smile and ran the other direction in a hurry

“Later Ella” I heard him call after me




I got to my locker and put some stuff away I glanced in the mirror putting my lip bomb on since my lips starts hurting when I bite on them but I can’t help it

It was my favourite flavor either cherry or vanilla

I glanced in the hall to make sure no one was around before I took my hat off and ran my fingers through my hair making sure it doesn’t get messed up

“Even the tomboy has secrets” I whispered to myself and put my hair in a pony tale with the hat over it

I met the guys at the cars turns out no one was there I looked in there usual spot but they weren’t there

I looked down and a tear rolled down my cheek it hurt worse when I was head over heals for one of them

I got over the hurt I felt in my heart when anger consumes me and I ran to the gym

I went to the weight room burning off steam while tears flow down my cheeks

My eyes were blurry so I couldn’t see where I was going so I fell over something and my head hit something really hard that is when I blacked out


Josh Pov.

The guys and I have been waiting for Ella for a while and decided to look for her

I had a bad feeling she was hurt

I went with Sean and Derek and looked in the places where she could be

I heard a loud thud and a scream, my eyes grew wide and I looked at the guys they had the same expression on their faces as well

We ran to where the scream came from and opened the door quickly

My eyes widen at what I see in front of me, Gabriella was on the floor eyes closed tears on her cheeks and blood coming out of her head

I moved closer to her but not moving her since it might hurt her more

“Oh god” I glance at the door and saw Sean and Derek looking at ella their faces pale and eyes wide

I texted the rest of the guys to get here fast

Zack’s Pov.

I was so worried about gabby hoping she wasn’t hurt to bad my eyes widen when I got a text from josh and told the others

When I got to the weight room my heart hurt at the sight I saw in front of me

“What do you think happened to her?” I heard Nathan ask josh

“My guess is she was upset judging by the tears on her face and she couldn’t really see and she tripped then hit to head” Josh said looking at her upset

I glance at the other guys and looked at Austin who is talking to someone on his cell

“I just called for help they should be here soon” Austin said hanging up his cell trying not to look at gabby since it hurts everyone

“I really hope she’s okay” I say looking at her a few tears drip down my cheeks

I look at gabby and see that she moving

She slowly picks herself up groaning and realizes that she isn’t alone

“Um hello” she says softly looking at us confused “What’s your names?”


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Pic of Josh on the side >>>>>>>>>

Isn't he just so hot? yummy.... Lol 

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