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258. Why do people cry on the last day of school? You should be crying on the first day of school?

259. Why do people let you down last minute when they obviously had no intentions.  

260. Why do people hate models? Judgmental arrogant people.

261. Why do people assume that the only movie they've seen you in, is the only movie you've done.

262. Why do people feel comfortable texting you things they would never have the guts to say to your face.

263. Why do people backpack through Europe, you never hear about people backpacking through America.

264. Why do people say they are in a "better place" when someone dies? I'm curious; I want to be in a "better place" too.

265. Why do people always have good things to say when someone dies but when they're alive no one took notice?    

266. Why do people think being perverted is a way to get someone's attention? It's not even funny. It's just immature and dumb.

267. Why do people make a fuss over people copying them when they copy other people too? There's no such thing as being original.

268. Why do people use being drunk as an excuse to make an ass of themselves...

269. Why are people unemployed? Because there is no work.

270. Why is there no work? Because people are not buying products and services.

271. Why are people not buying products and services? Because they have no money. 

272. Why do people have no money? Because they are unemployed.

273. Why do people always gesture with their hands when they talk on the phone?

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