Part 2

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"Rose? Are you okay?''

"Yeah, I'm perfect...''

"How about you come with me?''


"Back to my room so we're not out here in the open.''

"Okay.'' I stood up and followed him back to his classroom. It didn't take long to get back to his classroom. I knew I couldn't tell him about Jordan. I couldn't tell him anything. That wasn't my biggest problem right now. I had to hold myself back from kissing him. Yeah, he was older. I just couldn't help myself. He was just so perfect. I knew if I let him in, I might fall for him.

That would be a horrible idea. I walked in behind him and took a seat in a desk. He took a seat behind his desk.

"Would you like anything to eat?''

"Umm, no I'm good.''

"You sure?"


"Okay.''I pulled out my phone and saw that I had a text message from Jordan. I didn't want to look at it right now. I ignored it and turned some music on. I put my headphones on and relaxed. Stevie Nicks always calms me down. I looked up at Mr. Dimitri and he was sitting there looking at me. It was really strange the way he was looking at me.

"What's wrong?'' he asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine.''

"No you're not. You were crying in the hall."

"So? I'm fine, really."

"You do realize that I know you're lying to me."

"Yeah, but I'd rather not talk about my stupid issues."

"If it made you cry, I don't think they're stupid.''

"I'm fine.'' I was so happy the bell finally rang. I needed to get out of there. I couldn't answer any more questions about my life. If anyone found out, they would just put me down. That's what they always did, if I even thought to trust someone. I grabbed my purse and hurried out of the room before he could say anything else. I walked to the main hallway and checked my schedule again to see what class I had next.

I had English. I went to the classroom and let my teacher check my schedule. She told me to have a seat anywhere. The class was mostly full when I got there. There were a few faces that I knew from last year. The kinds of people I didn't really want to see. I couldn't handle seeing people from what happened. Then I looked at one girl and she gave me the evil eye. The face she gave me - it gave me the chills. She turned and started talking to her friend.

I could hear her from where I was sitting.

"That's Rose, she was the girl who got her ass beat. It was the funniest thing."

I was on the verge of crying again. I couldn't do this. I had no idea what made me come back? The only reason why I'm back at this hell hole of a school is my parents. They made me come back. I didn't have a say or anything. Only if they knew all the memories this school brings back! The bell finally rang. The class for the most part went by pretty quickly. I was happy about that and checked where I had to go next. I had history next, just one hall over. Before I left I wanted to talk with the English teacher.


"Hello, do you need something?''

"Yeah, I was wondering if we would be working with a lot of writing?''

"Yes, we will have one book to read. Then we will be moving into a lot of essays and stories.''

"Great! Thank you.''

"No problem dear.''

I left the class and went to history. I didn't know anyone in this class. I sat all the way in the back corner. The teacher just explained the rules. The next thing I knew the bell rang and school was over. I was so happy. I could finally leave this hell hole. I walked to my bus. I was ready to get home. When I sat down on my bus I pulled out my phone to turn some music on. After I turned my music on, I remembered that I had a message from Jordan. I was scared to open it, but I did anyway.

"Rose, I'm so sorry that I broke up with you. I forgot how perfect and great you are. I hate myself for breaking up with you. Please... Could you give me another chance? Please, I want to make it up to you. Please? I'm begging you Rose. I still love you."

I couldn't believe what I just read. He was my everything and he just throws me away like trash. I couldn't give him a second chance. Could I? I was so lost. I had no idea what to do. I just turned on a good song and waited until I got home to deal with all of this. Before I knew it I had listened to two really good songs and I was home. I was happy to find out I was the first drop off. That makes it a little easier on me.

When I walked into my house the dogs were waiting on me at the front door."I'm home!'' I yelled out. There was no answer so I walked to my room and checked in my parent's room to see if anyone was home yet. There wasn't anyone home, but me and the dogs. I let the dogs outside and I went to my room and locked the door.

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