Murder for Love

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The wind wove itself through and around my long brown curls as i sat underneath the willow tree at the edge of the field. Here I was, in my final year of high school, 17 years old and still had no friends. I sighed and pulled my lunch out of my bag. Peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat. Delicious. I bit into my sandwich, thinking about how much better everything would be once I left school. I wanted to become a psychiatrist, I wanted to help emotionally distraught people. People like me.

I turned my head as I heard a group of girls giggling. How could my day get any worse? I thought to myself. Amy Wilcox and her band of cackling hyenas approached me, all with smug looks on their faces. "Why are you always sitting alone fag?" Amy asked, evoking an eruption of giggles from her evil trolls. I ignored Amy, going back to my sandwich. "I asked you a question." Amy said, now standing directly in front of me, her eyes boring into mine. What did she expect me to say? Amy reached down and snatched my lunch from my hands, throwing it in the dirt and stepping on it. Her cult followers sang their praise through screetching laughter. I closed my eyes, hoping for this to be over soon. A tear escaped my left eye. "Look at this bitch crying. Oh boo who, you don't have lunch. What a selfish cunt. There's people in other countries who are starving and you're crying over missing one meal? Fine then, eat your damn sandwich." Amy picked up the sandwich and threw it in my face, the jam leaking onto my white shirt. She smirked, feeling pretty cocky, and I got up and I ran. I ran off of school property, i ran until my lungs felt as though they were about to collapse. I tried my best to control my breathing.

Once i was breathing at a normal pace, i took in my surroundings. Where was I? I looked around, trees, bushes, shrubs and flowers were at every turn. I know this place... I thought to myself. Then it came to me. I was in the forest behind my school. I started walking, searching for the path. "I know it's here somewhere..." I muttered. I finally broke out onto the path. I checked my phone, 2:03 pm. About an hour until school finished. There was no point in going to class.

I did walk back to school and went straight to the bathroom. That had been Amy's most viscous attack, normally she stuck to spreading rumours. She had turned all of my few friends against me, told people that I slept around with many guys and posted dirty photos online. When I started skipping classes to avoid her and the problems she had caused, she told everyone I was secretly visiting a 40 year old man, apparently to soothe my low self esteem. All of those were made up, well, except for me having low self esteem. Though Amy is convincing and turned many people against me.

I washed the jelly and tears off my face, and did my best to get the stain off my shirt. I walked into the hallway, where Ms. Constance, my guidance counsellor, caught me. "Grace, may I speak to you please?" The concern was dripping from her voice. "Alright," I said with a sigh, following her into her office. "What's wrong?" Ms. Constance asked me. She genuinely wanted to know. "Nothing," I said, looking at my hands. "I saw what happened, with Amy," she said. "She's being suspended for 5 days." I just stared at her. "May I go please?" I asked Ms. Constance. "Sure Grace," she said, pity in her eyes. "But I would like for you to see me on a weekly basis, cool?" I groaned. "cool."

I rushed out of her office, getting home as quickly as possible. As usual, my parents were not home, and I did what I did every day after school - I went to my room, and cried myself to sleep. "Better days are coming, Grace." I told myself before drifting off to sleep.


Okay so this is my first story that I've uploaded! please be brutal with commentary I need all the help I can get :)

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