Wtf?! Who?

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Picture of the big bro. I know.. It's getting a little hot
I woke up feeling a little dizzy, the events of yesterday flashed back. I heard Andy, didn't I?

I started to pay more attention to my surroundings. White walls, white sheets, smell of detergent and a window....I'm in the hospital aren't I?

Suddenly there was a sound of rushing feet and the door swung open.

"What happened to you?!" Austin yelled.

I sighed, "hey bro".

"Don't 'hey' me like nothing happened, Jay! Answer me!" I looked at Austin and smiled, I love my brother so much. At least I know someone loves me back.

"I don't really know, I fell a little sick I guess."

Austin sighed "I-I thought you got-"

"Austy, it's ok, I'm fine but can we go home now?"

"Yeah, let's go"


We went back home and I felt like going out so I put on a plain black hoodie, faded jeans and a pair of black vans.

I walked out of the house with my ear pieces in, quietly humming the tune of 'Closure', by Asking Alexandria.

I walked around the block 5 times when something caught my eyes, in the distance I could see a big oak tree.

That's the place me and Andy had met...

We've actually gone through a lot long ago...

//Flash back// *6 years ago*

"Mummy, I wanna go play outside!" I yelled. "Okay baby, but don't forget to come back before sunset!" She yelled back across the hall.

I ran out running as far as my tiny feet can take. That's until I saw a big oak tree from the corner of my eyes. I skidded to a halt curiously walking by to the lonely looking guy swinging on the swing attached to a branch on the big tree.

"Hi", I squeaked shyly, the boy looked up at me, he had midnight black hair that looked messy and fell over one eye and his electric blue eyes looked dull and emotionless.

"What do you want?" His raspy voice sounded out.

"U-um you look kinda you want some company?" The mysterious boy did not answer but he didn't reject the offer either.

//end of flashback//

From that day on we met at the big oak tree everyday.

I later found out his name was andy and he warmed up to me quickly.

He started to protect me from the older boys that pick on me and one starry night, we made a promise never leave each others side.

This promise was kept, until that one day in 8th grade. It ruined our friendship....and my life.


"Come on Jay!!!! Get the hell out its time to leave!!!!" It was time for me to go to that boarding school Austin was talking about. I hope it doesn't make my situation worse.

I hauled my luggage into the car and sat moodily onto the seat.

"Hey don't make that face! Your gonna have a new life from now on!" Said Austin, "a better one" he added.

One could only hope.....


I don't really know how much people are reading this, but anyways I enjoy writing! ^_^

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