Teach me how to flirt, Eight.

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This is kind of like a light chapter, reading random opinions you could find on actual sites, I did it to fill the novel with some light reading!

Teach me how to flirt.

Chapter eight:


Ella, when Zack finally dropped her off to fill the papers of a missing car report, she was thankful when it didn’t take her long.

In a couple of hours, she was at home relaxing against her couch she seems to sit on a lot these days.

Her mind wandered to earlier and how she imagined the relationship between her and Zack to be perfect so she got her laptop and looked up random opinions on a perfect relationship.

What is your definition of a perfect relationship?


- having a perfect relationship? Well there is no such thing, because there will always be fights, jealousy, and anger.
But having a relationship that is right for the both of you will be the closest to having a perfect relationship. Being able to love and accept that person for who they are and vice verse. Knowing you can trust them and be loyal. When fighting, knowing you both will have to sacrifice and compromise. Loving that person for who they are and only them.

- No such thing, no matter what relationships will have hard times and those are what can make relationships much stronger.

- Honesty, trust, forgiveness, and having God at the center of it.

- Nothing is perfect, except for God and Mary Poppins.

- Many people have different views on what a perfect relationship is. Some think that not having a single argument is an example of perfection, whereas others believe it is very healthy to have arguments.

- I guess it would be abnormal to be not having any single argument with your partner in a marriage. We all have our own differences, but it depends on you whether you will take those arguments as a challenge. And it would be boring to have a relationship without an argument or without any topic to talk ABOUT.

- Well there's really no perfect relationship but close to it is if you become a better person, you grow in a relationship and mature and learn to love yourself even more.

- I think, there if nothing 'perfect' in a relationship. It depends upon two individuals, how much they can adjust with each other and how much they can tolerate each other, the more the tolerance power, and better would be the relationship, in my view.


For me a perfect relationship are those who have been through a lot
of trials and challenges in life and still together and the relationship
is going strong. Arguments, conflicts, misunderstanding are part of it.
Part of growing up as a couple. I cannot say if a relationship without
arguments is healthy. For if no arguments, therefore they do not talk
and communicate each other. A good and open communication will make it
last forever. For couple are talking, sharing ideas and opinions that is
why they argue. Cheers!

- The Prefect Relationship means when there is acceptability to each other no matter how critical one's nature is. This acceptability is a tenant of Positivity in the relationship.

- Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something. They're trying to find someone who's going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take.

If you want to build trust in a relationship, make sure you use appropriate body language. When you speak to someone, face them directly, (nose to nose, toes to toes) rather than at an angle where their perception may be that you are giving them the "cold shoulder."

- The best relationship is the one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.
They are all perverse, and one's occasional desire for their company is the most perverse of all.
If we are incapable of finding peace in ourselves, it is pointless to search elsewhere.
The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.
I've learned in my lifetime so far that you can't help who you fall for and no matter how hard you try and how much it hurts you every day that you just wanna be with them or just talk to them you never stop trying to make them happy by the little things you say or do because that’s what makes your life worth going on for.

- Definition of Perfect relationship

it is not that YOU ever get ANGRY,

UPSET or IRRITATED with each other...

Its how fast YOU RESOLVE & BOUNCE BACK to the way YOU were!!

 And when Ella finally had enough of reading and searching for the definitions of a perfect relationship, she decided that her own definition was that,

Being perfect is not normal, it’s boring and impossible. But imperfect, it’s exciting and adventurous. She wishes that all her relationships are imperfect ones, so that she would fight and fall for the guy she loves all over again.

After all, people do love truly only once.


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