The Weird Visions

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We all know that some secrets are juicy, embarassing or sometimes Weird.

But my secret is different....

I realized the weird things that happen to me last week.

When I'm angry, fire will appear from no where or thunderstorms will happen ( so watch out! )

When I'm sad or when I'm crying, it will rain.

When I'm happy, flowers will bloom or trees will grow more fruits

But the weirdest part is I always dream of  this place... the place has a the most beautiful flowers that you could never imagine or never find it. The water was crystal clear, and I always see a castle on top of the largest mountain. I even get visions that always says "Come home dear Queen!" but I keep this a secret from everyone. Even mum, because she might laugh at me for being an idiot and immature.

"Oh Gosh" I murmured. This is just great, I almost overcooked my breakfast for being distracted. I stop thinking and started focusing. My mum went to the kitchen to investigate where the smell is coming.

"Holy Smoke!" she commented. " where in the stinking socks is the smell coming fro-". Finally, she saw half of my eggs are burned. " Daydreaming again, Mary?" . I replied

"Yup. This is going to be a bad habit."

"Well you should work on it"


"Cut the blackies off so you won't get cancer. What are the odds, cancer is almost taking over the umbridge town this season. Some kids are dying because of their naughty actions. I must say-" Here goes mum chatting. Mostly she's the talky type while im the listener type. Sometimes i don't pay attention to her anymore because she always repeats what she says. So I don't mind that.

"Oh Mum! Im gonna be late for school" I escaped from mum's chatty-talk.

While I was walking to school, I stopped by in my best friend's house, Sarah. We've been besties since kindergarten. I waited there until she's done.

"Hi mary!" Sarah greeted.

"Are you excited to start our last middle school?"

"Yup! Let's go! Im super excited!" she smiled at me

While were walking, Me and Sarah chatted.

"Mary,since we're about to start our last year of middle school, i got rules for you so we could fit in the popularity table. First, don't use the word "Play". Instead, use "Hang-out" when you want me to come over to your house. Second, you... Hey Mary! are you still there?! MARY!"

"I don't know who the-"

"Mary! snap out of it!"

"Stop tha-. Oh, sorry Sarah. The " Visions" are happening again."

"Mary, you always use that as an excuse. It's like im the teacher and you were like "The dog ate my homework" student."

"Really, it's true. Don't you believe me?" I asked.

"It's not that i don't believe you. Im just getting tired of your "Visions" you know. That doesn't happen everyday here in Oakley Hills."

"Yeah, just get use to it."

"Mary, if we don't find out what that Weird visions is all about, believe me, your future will suck." she snapped.

We were already in school when we just encountered the most popular girl in school in the hallway, Clarissa.

Clarissa wasn't all that bad. Until, when we were 1st graders, I accidentally spilled water on her skirt, making it look like she peed in it. She was called 'Pee-pee girl' for a year. So she kept giving me revenges until I give her what she really wants. But im not sure what it is. I tried to apologize, but she didn't forgived me.

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