Maybe He's Not So Bad After All?

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A/N: So, this is my first Hetalia fic. It's a one-shot and will be my first ever completed work, and to any reading my others, they WILL be finished. It just may take a long time because I have lost my 'twilight muse'. I do not own Hetalia, blah, blah, blah. Oh, there is a lemon and mentions of bullying. This came from an Omegle chat I had with a random person...great inspiration and we wrote this together, although the ending is mine. ENJOY! (:


Lovino walked into the locker room and sighed. He was twenty minutes late for class so he was alone. He pulled off his shirt and examined the bruises that covered his chest and stomach. He sighed again and tensed up when he heard the door open.

Gilbert and his buddy Francis had both walked in the room laughing, but when they saw him they stopped and developed sinister smirks instead.

"Shit..." Lovino quickly pulled his shirt back on and backed up into the lockers behind him. "W-What the hell are you bastards doing in here? Don't you have class or something?"

Gilbert chuckled his obnoxious laugh along with Francis. "Ah, but we all have gym this period, right Lovi?" Francis asked, tauntingly.

He looked down and crossed his arms. "Yeah, so why don't you just get there already?

You know coach said if you two were late one more time you would get in trouble..." he mumbled.

"But we even have passes from the nurse this time. You see we 'found' little Arthur in the hall and he looked beat up so we took him to the nurse and we have alib--excuses now!" Gilbert supplied helpfully.

Lovino glared up at them in disgust. "Whatever you bastards. Leave me alone so I can change." He reached to grab his clothes but he felt so nervous that his trembling hands couldn't grip his clothes and he ended up dropping them. "Dammit..."

"Aww, is little Lovi nervous? Or do you just like the thought of being half-naked with us because I don't mind. What about you Frannie?"

"Qui, mon cher, I don't mind at all"

Lovi blushed and shook his head, "You sick perverted bastards..." he mumbled to himself. He quickly grabbed his clothes and clung to them tightly. "If you bastards aren't getting out then I’ll just change somewhere else then!" He then walked towards the bathroom stalls.

Gilbert quickly intercepted him before he could reach the safety of the stalls. "C'mon Lovi, you know we just want to play with you a little. I promise I don't bite. Much. However Francis likes to bite a lot so I can't talk for him." Gilbert laughed crudely while trapping Lovino against himself and Francis, who was standing near the locker room door, so he had no escape.

Lovino whimpered and looked around for an escape. "W-What the hell do you want with me? Go fuck with someone else or even better each other! J-Just leave me alone..."

"But, mon cher, you are just so irresistible when you look as scared as you do now." Francis smirked deviously. "Yeah, plus you're more fun to mess with, since you actually fight back. I like that." Gilbert whispered in his ear seductively before leaning back against the stall door.

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