Chapter Twenty-Six: Wolf in Headlights

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Wolf in Headlights


As Lori made her way into the dining hall she was struck by the near emptiness of the large room. The decorations from the previous night were still in place, still tinged with some small residue of the enormous power unleashed within its walls only hours before. Yet, it seemed almost unfamiliar without the normal mass of bodies laughing and dining within. Never had Lori seen so few people within the hall and of those present, she’d never witnessed the level of hostility that seemed to be wafting off the assembled men in heavy, black waves.

As she watched, Aiden moved to stand between Cynn and the elite guard in what she was sure was an attempt to ensure the young girl’s safety. Though unarmed, the good captain radiated enough authority and tightly controlled menace to keep the others in check. At least until Eric was ready to present himself and handle the situation.

Oh boy. This didn’t bode well for Cynn at all Lori thought, her heart beating a nervous staccato in her chest.

She’d beaten Eric downstairs, throwing on a simple navy blue dress with silver edging and long sleeves to cover her arms. She'd managed to avoid Des while flying around her room getting ready. She was pretty sure her reprieve wouldn't last long, which was why she’d grabbed her boots and hopped into them as she ran back down the hall. Now that she was downstairs, she briefly wondered if she should wait for Eric before facing such a hostile crowd. She peered inside the doorway once more, catching the look of absolute misery on Cynn’s face.

She made her decision.

Lori rushed inside, pushing her way through the ring of guardsmen that surrounded the frightened maid.

“Cynn!” Lori called, grabbing a hold of the girl by her arms. The young maid gave a soft cry as she threw her arms around Lori, giving her a fierce hug, her small body racked with sobs. Cynn held onto Lori as if for dear life.

Her friend’s utter misery only served to escalate Lori’s own tempter as she glared at the guardsmen. They encircled the pair of them as if they were ready to serve Cynn up to the Spanish Inquisition.

“What exactly is the meaning of this? Can’t you see you’re scaring this poor girl out of her mind?” she snapped.

“My lady, beggin' your pardon but that maid is under arrest for treason,” replied one of the guards coldly. He was tall and wide with a shock of red hair that lent him an air of youth, though the lines etched into his face spoke of countless battles witnessed and won. Besides the Fenrir, there had not been a single soul within Wolfgard that filled her with such anxiety until that moment.

“Doona overstep yourself, Corey. Eric has not placed anyone under arrest,” Aiden interjected, his voice like hardened steel. He took a step closer to Lori and Cynn, blocking some of Lori’s view of the threatening guard.   

She was still able to see Corey tense at the rebuke, his posture becoming even more imposing behind Aiden. When he spoke, his voice was even more damning, “Mayhap not yet, but this woman canna’ come in her demandin’….”

“She can because I have asked her to look after the girl.” Eric’s strong voice rang clear as he stepped into the room. The air of authority he commanded sent a wave of relief over both the women and his captain alike.

Eric looked over the assembled crowd, his focus clearly on the men in the room though it was Lori he addressed directly. “My lady, please accompany Cynn upstairs to my study. I will speak with her privately after I have spoken with my men about the meanin' of this.”

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