Closed Heart

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            Chapter 4 : Closed Heart

Even before the person entered the room I could feel power emanating from the door's direction. The Biology teacher just shouted,

« ENTER! » and turned her attention back to the black board, where she was drawing worm like figures.

A woman in her early thirties came in. She had long red hair that arrived until her waist, and which contrasted well with her milky white skin. She was what most people would call beautiful, although I always thought beauty was objective.

It seemed as if the whole class was frozen at the sight of the woman, except the teacher who was still busy explaining something about heat shocks.

Every student in the class was waiting for her to say something, and when she did finally open her natural red colored mouth a gentle melodic voice said,

« Hello. Is Will Daron in this class? »

Although she asked it as a question, you could hear in her voice that she knew the answer and I felt deep down that she knew I was Will.

The Biology teacher finally chose that moment to turn around. 

« Will? Yes, I think we have Will here. »

She looked around for a while trying to remember which of her students was called Will, but after a few desperate glances around the room she just decided to find me the easy way.

 « Will Daron? Could you stand up please? »

I stood up dreading what was coming next, but all the red haired woman said was;

« Do you mind if I steal him for a while? It's for an important reason. » 

The Biology teacher couldn't really say no, so instead she nodded her head and turned back to the board.

I had no other choice then to stand up and go out to the hallway with the woman.

The moment I stepped out of the classroom, the woman started walking through the hallway. I figured that I had to follow her so I walked behind her while million scenes passed through my head. I wanted her to just tell me why she was here, but she seemed to like the suspense. She finally skidded to a halt and I almost smashed into her, but luckily my reflexes were fast enough to stop me.

She turned around and looked at me with a dazzling smile. Her blue eyes twinkled with joy, but I could also see worry in them, which then made me anxious.

After a few awkward seconds she said, « Well you're not bad looking. »

From all the things she could have said, that was the last thing I was expecting. I just stood there with my mouth slightly open wondering where the hell she was going with this.

 « I'm Apriline by the way. Do you know what I am? »

« You're an Elder. » 

I was incredibly surprised at my words. They didn't make sense, but deep down I knew they were true.

She nodded her head and smiled at me.

« You're probably wondering why I'm here. Elders rarely come and visit their cupids on earth, but we felt as if you deserved a warning. »

That snapped me out of my daze. Warning? Why would I need a warning?

She quickly clarified when she saw how confused I looked.

« You've probably noticed how in this school there are barely any couples, right? Well... how can I say this... ehm... The work of cupids is hard here.”

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