A Secret Bound in Silver

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*narrators voice*

Normal, she was anything but normal! Crazy, ignorant even a bit stupid, I don't remember how I became best friends with her! Sunset and I have a lot more in common, we like the same clothes, music, food... Cool isn't it! Anyway this is my story, not hers! Sunset will star in it as well. Obviously. Sorry, as I was saying, this is my story!


Her. Always her. It was never us or we, but her or I. She's right, I don't know why we were best friends, I suppose it was just a mistake. We all make mistakes.

I'm sorry, how rude of me, let me introduce you. My name Sophie , I am the "she" my ex-BFF is referring to. Sunset is her new BFF. I say new, those two have been friends for five years now. The "her" or "I" that I referred to is Faith. Bad choice of name as you may have already have guessed. Faith, in Latin, means trust. What a bittersweet lie! In Latin, my name means wisdom. Neither of us have very suitable names. Good fortune hasn't come my way in a long time.


My eyes gaze up at the ceiling. I can feel the metal chain of my necklace against my golden skin and the sad memories that came with them. I don't have to get up but I do anyway. Saturday, the best day of the week, in my opinion. The winter air bites at my skin but I only wrap my dressing gown around me tighter. The stairs creek as I go downstairs, my parent  won't be up yet. For breakfast I have peanut butter and jam on toast (my favorite!). This day looks promising.

You may have started to think that I am an unsociable misery guts. Well I'm not! I still have  friends, but nothing is official anymore. No best friends or boyfriends, especially boyfriends.  They always come up with the worst ways of saying "it's over". They can never just say "it's  over" and be done with it! One of my ex- boyfriends actually lead me into the hall to meet his new girlfriend whom he  then kissed in front of me. I cried and ran out, his girlfriend dumped him on the spot for  being so cruel. She and I are both friends.

After my breakfast I ran back upstairs to get changed. I slipped on my lace top, worn out jeans and red converse shoes. Running back downstairs I grabbed a blue floral scarf and  skipped out of the door. " Bye mum, bye dad" I shouted up the stairs before I skipped out of  the door. I'm 16 so I can do mostly what I want to. I quickly checked my phone to make sure  the guys I was meeting were still going into town. Jean (the girl whom my boyfriend had kissed in front of me) and Izzy could make it but Laura had to go to the hospital with her  grandad because he wasn't well. Shame, I thought as I made my way to the bus station. I  sent my love to them both and ran to catch the oncoming bus. I handed the correct amount of change to the sullen bus driver who nodded.

Soon it was time for me to get of, I rang the bell and stood up. The double doors opened  with a hiss as I jumped down on to the pavement. The coffee shop was just down the next  road. The streets were littered with a few early shoppers, trying to avoid the Saturday  afternoon rush. I opened the door to the coffee shop and was greeted with a rush of warm  air. The aroma of ground up coffee beans hung in the air. My cheeks turned pink as the  warmth hit me. I spotted Izzy waving at me from one of the far corners of the room. Waving  back, I walked over to them. I glanced at my reflection briefly in the mirror on one of the  walls in the cafe. I looked confident, that was always a good thing. My glossy brown hair fell past my shoulders, my eyes were an olive green and my skin a golden, honey colour.After greeting my friends I orderd a coffee and pastry. Making my way back to the guys, I smiled to myself.

Sundays WAS the best day of the week.

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