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May 17th

A few weeks had gone by now, we were done our last semester of school - and we were officially both working during the day.

Things had died down. It was nice that Justin and I actually got home about the same time - we got to eat dinner together, no one had homework to do late into the night. We actually had time for each other.

He actually started hanging out with a few guys from work, I was seeing Julie more- and I was actually hanging out with Dean.

It was nice to actually have other people to talk to - and I could tell that's how he felt too.

That's honestly probably why things have been so great between us- and I mean really great.

I could officially call my family whenever I wanted, and so could he. We were even starting to plan a trip home this summer - for two weeks.

I couldn't wait to go home.

I just had another hour before I got to go home.

"How's it going?" Chad asked, popping his head into the studio.

"Pretty well actually, what's up?"

"I thought you should know your phone has been going off for the past few minutes. I don't know who or anything."

'Oh thanks, um - I should probably finish this up before I check."

"I can take over if you want. I don't mind."

"Alright, thanks."

I left the room, making my way to our break room where my bag was, and my phone was ringing again.

It was Justin.

"Hey, honey I'm at work. What's up?"

"Can you come home? I'm home. Just- please come home. There's something I need to tell you and I can't tell you over the phone."

"What's wrong? Why can't you tell me over the phone? Are you alright?"

"N-No. Just come home."

"Ok, hold on," I went back to wear Chad was, opening the door back up. "I have to go...something's wrong. I'm really sorry, I never would-"

"Isabelle, it's alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you," I ducked out again, putting my phone up to my ear and grabbed my bag. "I'm back. When did you get home?"

"About a half hour ago."

"Justin, you're scaring me- seriously. Are you hurt? Why are you home so early?"

"How are away are you?"

"Justin! I'm just getting in my car- now what's going on?! Don't do this."

"Hunter's dead."

I sat frozen in my seat for a minute, my keys in the ignition, but I hadn't turned the car on yet.

"What? But he- we just- how?"

"Please, come home. Please."

"I'm coming, I'm pulling out now." I turned my car on, backing out of the parking spot and left for home. "What are you doing."

"I'm in my car. I've just been sitting here."

"For a half hour?"

"Yeah, pretty much. I can't really- I don't want to- I don't know."

"You don't have to say anything. It's ok. I'll be there in a few minutes- want me to stay on the phone with you?"

"Yeah, how was your day?"

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