A Few Words in Retrospect (Collection of Aphorisms, Fragments, Philosophy)

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A Few Words In Retrospect

Collection of Aphorisms, Fragments, Philosophy


If a bird calls from a tree in the forest and no one is around to hear it, did it happen?


Art is ordered chaos.


Science is religion widely accepted as truth.


You can vote about what's next for dinner in a democratic system. By the time you have results, you might have starved to death.


Technology bridges machines: people-machines and people-made-machines.


These days, even toddlers and kindergarteners take entrance exams into prestigious (and expensive) preschools.


Consciousness is made from cosmic fragments.


There are many greater than I, a speck in the fabric of time.


Does a cardboard box have thoughts, emotions, memories? Is it not also a three-dimensional form? Length x Width x Height; x, y, z. Fill it with 65% water.


Sometimes I just enjoy the smell of books.


The media is used to mass-produce opinions.


It's only through our own eyes that we see the world.


Capitalism creates the need for the accumulation of numbers; numbers are generated by those who need to accumulate, who give their accumulated numbers back to the creation of said need.


Our souls need solitude. Most don't have enough.


Equality is not balance. It does not, in the name of balance, promote one to repress another. Equality should altogether redefine perception, ideals and values, and deconstructing the ones that are unjust. It is about the creation of new thinking.


All that we know is what someone else believes.


In my creative desert, a friend told me to start a riot. "Have you tried it before? Maybe that would help," he said. I'd start a riot, but in my Canadian suburbs, it would just be me, floundering in the snow.


Here, the education system manufactures work-machines for the System.


Literature is the reflection of humanity.


After a few years, an Arabica tree cultivated in the mountains becomes a branded Starbucks drink for someone's suit and tie Gold Card lifestyle.


You'll write better, if you know yourself better.


It takes millions of stars to become something worth looking at.


The urban system segregates soul and body with science and technology. People willingly submit their souls.

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