The Past

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Holding on

to the past

The past that never harmed us

The past that was always good and kind and full of love

for us

The past that always stayed the same,

for centuries, millenniums and decades

The past that we use now to victimise us

Even though we are not the victims and no one of us ever was

The past that we have sacrificed nothing for

other people had a lot of loss

at the hands of

the past

The past that ever lasts,

that lets the future never start

The past that sucks for most,

but not for us

so we'll just selfishly gate keep every ounce of luck

and thrive of the fact that we're putting others down

The past that allows us to thrive

in a life

full of opportunities and advantages only provided for us

Poems about racism/Gedichte über Rassismus/poemas sobre racismoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora