Chapter 18

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Sorry guys. School has been kickin my butt lately. Okay that's all in gonna say for now.


Paige's pov

I wake up to an empty bed and wonder where is Mason. I climb out of bed and head into the bathroom to brush my teeth and try to tame the stuff I call hair. Of course it wants to be a butt so I settle for a messy bun and head downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen and everyone is there. Mason, Jacob, Cole, Will, Amber and Alexis. They all look tense

"Uh. Morning guys."

Mason spots me and immediately hops out of his seat and makes his way over to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and presses his lips against my forehead. "Morning babe. You hungry?"

No one would look at me. What the heck is everyone's problem. And then it hit me. It was the day of Jana's trial. That's why everyone is acting so weird.

"What time?" I ask Mason.

He looks utterly confused. "What time is what?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Don't act dumb Mason. What time is Jana'a trial?"

He sighed deeply before responding. "It's at noon today. And no, you still aren't allowed to go. I'm sorry but it is a rule."

I felt my anger rise. I stepped out of his arms and I noticed everyone get up to leave the room.

"That's so not fair Mason. Last time I checked I was the one that got attacked. Last time I checked I was the Luna of this pack. I don't really know what that means but I do know that I deserve respect from everyone! I am going and that's final."

I didn't want to fight with him but I couldn't help it. I need to go to the trial. I don't want her to die just because she wanted Mason. I mean I hate the girl but that doesn't mean she should die. I'm not that cruel. I wouldn't stoop down to her level.

"Babe. You do have respect from the pack. These trials are secretive and its a rule. If I could change it I would, in a heart beat, but these rules have been in place since the beginning of wolves so that's not something I can change. I'm sorry."

He sounded so sincere and I believed every word he said but I can't just stand around and let them kill her. I'm not dead so why should she die.

"Okay Mason. I trust everything you say, but you don't understand. I HAVE to go. I have to make everything alright. I hate the girl as much as you do, but death shouldn't be her fate because of what happened." I felt tears in my eyes because I didn't want her to die. It wasn't fair.

Mason wiped my tears away and pulled me closer. "Look she endangered the Luna of this pack. That's a death sentence."

"Mason! I don't want to be the cause of someone'a death." I pulled out of his arms once again. "Why can't you understand that. I don't want to be the reason someone has to lose a daughter, or a sister, or a bestfriend. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I took a loved on away from someone. I do not want people around me to suffer because I was the cause of their loved one's death." And with that I left Mason standing there. I ran up the stairs and to our bedroom.

I threw myself onto the bed and cried. I looked at the time and it was 9 o'clock. In just three short hours, I could possibly be the reason of someone's death. I screamed in frustration.

I am not a cruel person. I don't wish death on anyone unless a child is harmed in the situation. I heard someone knock on the door and I decided to ignore them. It wasn't locked so I have a feeling they would come in anyway.

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