36-musical announcements

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*1 week later*

A week after we had finished recording the song and the music video we were called back into the studio to see the finished product. “Bye Ross I’ll see you later babe” I kissed Ross on the cheek as I pulled on my denim jacket “have fun can’t wait to hear the single” I smiled as he said this and walked out the door with my skateboard in hand plopping it onto the pavement and skating away.

“Hey gang” I called out entering the studio skateboard in hand “where are they?” I asked Megan as I straightened out my bralette “they’re in the briefing room” I nodded my head and made my way to the elevator punching the 3rd floor button with my thumb. The 3rd floor was where all the offices were located to put it bluntly it was the boring floor where no musician willing ventured to. I stepped out of the lift and into the carpeted hallway making my way down to the room at the end, I pushed the door open and entered the room to find Becky and the band already there waiting for me “sorry about that” I dropped my skateboard on the floor and sat in one of the spinny chairs spinning to face the tv “no worries. So now that you are all here let’s see this video” we nodded our heads enthusiastically as Becky pressed play. The screen lit up with my face wandering through the forest it cut to the guys and the band scene and ended with me falling on the floor “that was awesome!” I exclaimed fist pumping the air “I love it when is it being released?” Harry the ever so calm one asked “release date this Friday” we nodded our heads and I whipped out my phone to tweet about it from my personal account @MattiandR5 Friday, Friday got to get down on Friday! Friday, Friday Holey Cheese rocking Friday! Got to get our YouTube stalking on this Friday! I sent the tweet out and looked at it suddenly realising how weird it sounded Ross instantly tweeted back @rossR5 so I’m guessing that’s when the music video is coming out? I laughed and retweeted it then put my BlackBerry away and continued listening to the meeting discovering that Becky was tweeting this from the main account “so people know it’s coming out. We need to gain fans and the only way to do that is to tour!” we cheered at this “so Paramore are going to the UK and need an opening act, Hayley really wants to take you guys so what do you think?” we all looked at each other “what do we think?” we said in unison “we think that that’s a brilliant idea!” we cheered Becky looked relieved “well then better get packing and practising tour starts in 3 weeks’ time” we nodded our heads and left the room heading to the elevator “now the meetings over I can ask you something that’s been eating away at me what on earth are you wearing?” Jack asked looking at me “oh this?” I asked looking down at my jacket, brallete, shorts and knee high converse “Michael decided to steal all my clothes apart from this” I groaned as the boys laughed “yeah Ratliff nicknamed slutty Matti” the boys were now rolling on the floor in laughter tears coming from their eyes “shut it you guys or something bad might happen to you on tour you never know” they gulped and sobered up “good boys” the elevator doors pinged open and we stepped out going our separate ways I made my way to the Lynches.

“Hey honey I’m home!” I called out as I walked into the Lynch household “hey Matti” they chorused back as I entered the living room “so how did the meeting go?” Ross asked wrapping me in a hug from behind I smiled and turned round in his arms to face him putting my hands on his chest and looking up at him “videos being released on Friday and WE’RE GOING ON TOUR WITH PARAMORE!” I cheered excited Ross’ face fell I frowned “what’s wrong babe?” I asked poking his frown “just sad you’re going on tour” I gulped when he said that “you’re going to be depressed when I tell you it’s their UK tour that’s happening in 3 weeks” I was right his face fell “but I will Skype you every night and no matter how late in the evening or early in the morning I will pick up that phone if you ring” I promised watching him slowly smile “you know I have the best girlfriend ever!” he stated kissing my nose “I know” I smiled relaxing into his chest listening to the soothing sound of his heartbeat “Ross” I breathed “yeah” he said looking down at me smiling “I love you” “I love you too” we both smiled at each other.

A/N just a filler chapter. But aren't Matti and Ross so adorable together?? Can you guys think of a ship name for them??

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