Magical discoveries

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The bus ride home was long and boring. Violet had been sent home. Cinnamon was extremely worried and wasn't all that eager to talk to the bus driver. Instead she sat unusually still and unbelievably quiet. She traced her hand on the rough fabric of the seat which was bare and graffiti free. There really wasn't anyone who would want to. So when the bus camera had broke noone payed to fix it.

Finally the bus rolled into the stop. Instead of bouncing down the steps Cinnamon stepped down slowly with her face wearing an unusual expression. Well, unusual for someone like Cinnamon. She turned to the direction of her house. Her uniform was itching as uniforms usually do that time of day. Or always do. She shook her head. "Now Cinnamon, your friend is hurt and you are thinking about itchy uniforms?" She lectured herself. She shook her head once more and turned away.

Violet's house was in the more lively part of town. One full street and a small supermarket that seems to go bankrupt every year but then always pulls through. Though like everywhere in this place there was still houses empty and still, gathering dust. Cinnamon walked until she reached it. Violet's mother was an interior designer and loved to bring her work home. Her father... Cinnamon had been her friend for like ever and still had no clue. Anyway due to Violet's mother that house was beautiful. Cinnamon walked along the path decorated with flowers on both sides. All the flowers were purple.

Cinnamon knocked gently. Then she realised noone had heard her. So knocked harder. She winced, shaking her fragile hand. Thankfully that did the trick. "Hi Cinnamon." Violet's mother was young, only 26 years old. She was only sixteen when Violet was born. Cinnamon recalled the meaning of Violet's middle name. Mireya meant miracle. Violet told her the story of her being a stillborn until a bright flash filled the room and Violet showed her parents the reason for her name. Her beautiful violet eyes. That story fascinated Cinnamon and Violet and they used to pretend violet eyes were magical and she was a spirit on earth to save dying children. Now Violet hated her eyes. It seems everyone wants to stand out but when they do they hate it.

"I don't think you can come tonight." Miss Williams informed. Cinnamon forced a smile and told the reason she was here " I want to see if she is alright." Miss Willams nodded and said she was in her bedroom.

Violet's bedroom changed a lot. Everytime Cinnamon came over it would have changed. Miss Williams loved to decorate her daughter's room like a hairdresser likes to cut people's hair. Opening the door she saw a rainbow rug. It was as soft as a feather. Violet was lying on her bed wearing a santa hat. She liked hats and often wore them so Cinammon wasn't suprised. It wasn't even near christmas though.

Violet hadn't noticed her. Either that or she was asleep. Cinnamon looked from left to right feeling awkward then coughed. Violet turned over. "Cinnamon..." She smiled then became serious "Close the door." I grasped the lever doorknob and pushed down. After it was closed she removed her hat. On Violets forehead was a horn. A purple horn. Like from a unicorn. Cinnamon realised she had stopped blinking and opened her mouth to scream. Violet jumped up and covered her mouth. "Hush! I don't want to become a science experiment!" Cinnamon calmed down.

"Violet, think if you don't. Your mum will make you go back to school. Then you'll become a science experiment.

Violet looked sideways at Cinnamon. When she wasn't jumping everywhere she actually made a little sense.

"Okay" Violet agreed "but we are doing this my way." She fitted her hat back on so it sat over her horn. Cinnamon pushed down on the doorhandle for the third time that day.

Violet's mother was in the kitchen attempting brownies. The charred brownies were still in the oven getting even more burnt. She wasn't very good. Violet usually did the cooking after her grandmother passed away but Miss Williams wanted to cheer up her daughter.

Violet entered the kitchen "You're not supposed to be out of bed" Violet's mother exclaimed.

"Well I... I mean... I need to... I..."

Cinnamon got fed up with Violet's stuttering and grabbed Violet's hat.

Hope you enjoyed that. Sorry it took a while. I needed to sort out the upcoming character. You are going to love her. I hope.

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