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***Austins POV***

I knew something was wrong. She looked out of it after she fell trying to walk again.

I laid down with her and told her I loved her but her eyes fell when she didn't even show a sign of tiredness. I kept my hand on her heart making sure the beats stayed together.

Hers started speeding up and I pulled the remote that I can use to signal a nurse without yelling. As soon as the nurse came in, her heart stopped.

So did mine.

I lost her once and losing her again will be even harder. I felt tears welling up in my eyes as the nurses hooked her up to her IVs again. They didn't wheel her in to the ER this time. They just pushed me out of the room while they opperated on her.

I heard "CLEAR!" come from the other side of the door and that was a sign to let the tears finally fall.

I leaned my back against the wall and slid down until my butt hit the floor for the second time today.

I shut my eyes and was lost in thought when someone tapped my shoulder.

I shot my head up to a man who was wearing a doctor's mask. I shot up from the ground as fast as I could.

"Elizabeth's visitors?" He asked me without even saying hello.

"Yes. I'm her boyfriend"

"Well, you'll be happy to know she is awake. She's having a little trouble circulating blood but she should be fine within an hour. She is falling asleep which should be fine. All I ask is, please, keep an eye on her heart rate. The beeping noise if you don't know what I mean."

"Yeah I will." He nodded his head and turned away.

I walked in and saw her fast asleep but her heart beat seemed normal.

I saw the love of my life sleeping peacefully and took the seat closest to her bed. She's in a deep sleep

so she didn't wake up when I took her hand in mine.

I took in every one of her features. Her face missed the glow I loved. Her eyelashes were long though she had no mascara on. Her face wasnt warm, instead, it was extremely cold. She didn't move and her facial expression was dull.

I laid my head on her lap and prayed to God for the first time in a long time.

"Dear God. I don't know how to do this. I don't normally do this at all. But I need your help. No.. She needs your help. Make her better please. She deserves every inch of happiness in the world. I want to give it to her but I can't do that as she lies limpless before me. I don't care what you do just help her become healthy again. Please. Amen"

Two minutes later, as if an answer to my prayer, the most beautiful girl I had seen lifted her head.

I gripped her hand tighter and let my eyes fill with joy. As I did so, she loosened her grip and filled with fear.

"Babe what's wrong?" I asked her.

"Babe? What are you talking about?" My face went expressionless and my hand let go.of hers.

To her I look like some random stranger. "Don't you remember me?"

She shook her head no. "Should I?"

I let my head fall to my hands and tears threatened to fall at any second. I tried to jog her memory in any possible way.

"I'm Austin. You auditioned or X Factor and you sang my song. You were the most beautiful girl I had ever saw. I kissed you and you got told I had a girlfriend so you hated me for a week. That was the longest week of my life. I realized that week that I loved you because you treated me differently. We waltzed the night after and after that day, keeping you safe was my priority. Together or not.I told you I love you and you told me you loved me and we were the happiest two people on Earth. You got stabbed in the back, literally. And I broke the promise I made to you and I. You tried to walk but you fell. I picked you up just before you hit the ground. Please. Don't forget about me. I can't lose you again."

Theres Always a Catch. (Austin Mahone One DirectionFAN FIC)Where stories live. Discover now