Chapter 1

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"Let's break up."

I was shocked, we were going so well...

"Why?" I managed to gasp out.

"I didn't love you. The only reason I dated you so I could get close to your friend Lucee."

Lucee? Oh, I should've known. I felt so stupid. Tears welled up in my eyes., he's not worth it. Stop crying, Alana! Tears fell down my cheeks. Oh great.

"Why are you doing this to me? Why? You said you loved me, was that all lies? Have you ever loved me in the time we spent together? Was this all so you could get close to my friend? Why..I loved I not enough?" I sobbed helplessly.

"You're not. You'll never be. You're not even good looking. Who do you think I am? I'm Matt Henderson, enough said. And who are you? The ugly freak. Why do you think I'd date someone like you? It's over Alana, forever."

I regained my courage. Stupid bastard.

"But in the end, Lucee didn't even take a look at you."

"U-uh..I don't need Lucee, I've got plenty of chicks out there who would throw themselves at me if I just stood there. And to think that you used to be one of them."

I stood there for what seemed like minutes but was actually seconds, thinking of a comeback.

"Not anymore."

Matt started to walk away as tears formed in my eyes.

"You think I'm ugly? You think I'm a freak? Well let me prove you wrong." I yelled between my sobs.

I heard him snicker. "Yeah, yeah as if that's going to be possible."

We'll see about that won't we?

Oh, boy, are you going to be surprised.

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