✩ Destiny once again ; why ✩

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(A/N ; I'm on mobile so it won't come out looking right & and it will be somewhat short ; plus I'm sneaking ! I'm still grounded -.- )

Enjoy : ] ~Aimee


Jacob . . .

Next morning , Walter woke us up earlier then usual. " Damn , a broder can't sleep in peace ? ". Roc Royal sleepy ass groans , while he sat up and scratch his low cut curly hair. " We have a lot on our plate today. Get ready boys ". Walter says then he leaves the room. I sat up but fell down and drifted to sleep. A few minutes later , there was someone shaking me. " My niggah , wake the fuck up ! ". I shot up and looked at Prodigy. " Hurry ! ". He says walking away from me. I yawned and got out of bed. I took a shower and changed into sweats and my nirvana shirt with some Jordan's.

" Ready boys ? ". Walter says as he looks back at us. We all nodded our heads. With that , the van drives away.

We arrived at the studio. We all greet David and Destiny -,-. We did the dance that we had done before. I felt eyes melting through my skin. It was really irking me. I look back to see Destiny staring hard at me. I was a little bit creeped out. She shares a smirk with a wink. I shook my head and continued doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

We were now on brake. We were all sitting down on the couch. Prodigy was going on about how much food he eats in a day , and how much he loves chicken , especially fried chicken. Destiny had her eyes on me the whole time , how do I know ? Because I see her in the corner of my eye. She always biting her lips at me and what not. " Sorry to interrupt Prod , but excuse me ima go use the restroom ". I said getting up. " it's okay Prince. But as I was saying , never touch , eat , smell nor look at my chicken. If you do , I will chop your fingers off. Okay ! ". Prodigy smiles innocently. I started to laugh then I walked out the door and headed down the hall towards the men bathroom door.

As I pushed the door forward , I see a figure standing near the door. My eye brow rose up by the thought of somebody might following me. I walked into the halls to see Destiny. She flashes a smile. " Hey Prince ". She greets me with that same smile. I sighed and replied with. " Hi Destiny , What do you what ? ". I kissed my teeth. She shook her head. " Oh nothing , but . . . You , Princey Poo ". She bits down on her bottom lip. I rolled my eyes. " Nice to know , but I have a little Shawty back home ". I push pass her. I heard her kiss her teeth , " Oh really ? She's not here with you , you barely get to see the trick. You need someone like me. I'm always gonna be here since my daddy works with ya'll ". I turned around with my fist balled up. " Don't call her a trick , and he'll fucking no , I don't need a girl like you. You's a smut. You flirting with everyone here. Bitch swerve ". I turned back around and walked away.

You . . .

" Why are you doing this to me ? ". I cried as I was in a ball , crying my eyes out. Tyler walks up to me. His hand raises up , and connects with my face. " Bitch , Shut the fuckk up ". My face was stringing in pain. Tyler has now started to beat me. He tried to rape me multiple times but never accomplished. I always seem to runaway.

" Tyler , Why ? ". I cried even harder after Tyler punched me in the face. " Stop all that Bullshitt ! ". He snaps , lighting up his blunt. I managed to get up and walk into the bathroom. I closed the door then lock it. I opened the drawer and took out a blade. I rose the sleeves and planted the blade into my wrist. Blood flowed down my wrist. I didn't cut that deep to pop a vein or something , but deep enough to start to bleed.

I want to be with my Jacob. I want to be in his arms. I want him to kiss me out of no where. I want to hear his voice , feel his touch and smell his colon. I want to kick Tyler in the balls, why must I go through this ? Why

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