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Hey YOU yes you, right there! New chapter up! So stop reading this BORING Author's Note, and READ please? Trust me it's good for you…. 

 On a side note I'd like to thank @SimplyStupid for making that Amazeballs cover. And that side pic down there ----------------> If you wanna check her out you can go to her forum and request a cover ;).   




-*Chapter 4*- 

I screamed, and  screamed until I realized no one could hear me. 

Seriously, I'm not a swearing type of person but--what the hell?! 

Imagine, yourself, lying on the kitchen floor--dead--in a pool of blood. With a upside down drawer sitting lopsidedly on your butt. Its contents spewed all around you. 

Impossible to think right? 


I stumbled toward my body. Staring at it as if in a daze. My mouth hanged open as I stared down at my self. 

Okay, so you might think it's just your body, so what? No, no, tried to imagine yourself  sprawled on the ground in a bloodbath. Dead.

Talk about freaky.  

I kneeled down in front of myself, I was lying in a position that looked like I was fast asleep. But sadly, I wasn't. My right hand was outstretched toward the fridge as if I was reaching out for something.

I looked up at the counter looming in front of me. To see one of the chip bags, gone. 


Now, normally, I'd be feeling SUPER angry. Right now, maybe even vengeful. But that feeling was no where inside me. Not even a smither of it. 

It was despair. 

But I pushed that aside and looked back at myself. Why hadn't anyone found me? I mean, seriously, rotten corpses must have a stink right? But why in the world did Nick just leave me here? Hadn't he seen those crime shows? It's always best to hide the body then leave it at the scene, where the police would find it easily. 

As much as it hurt. I had to alert someone of my carcass. I stood up and concentrated. I imagined a big white bed,in a room where red curtains flapped in the afternoon breeze. An a middle aged lady with blonde hair lay, sleeping. 

There was a flash, my stomach dropped to the floor, and I was there. 

I looked at my mom in her slumber. She seem so peaceful, as if the world were her cloud, and her problems were the sky.  

This sky is about to have one, mean tornado. 

I gazed around the room, looking for something to startle her. My eyes fell upon the old alarm clock sitting on the night stand across the room. It was one of those vintage ones that have the  two "bells" atop of it, and has the loudest ring you'll ever hear. My parents never used it, they didn't believe in alarm clocks.  Just the ol' happy sun peeking through the curtains, driving you awake. The old thing has just been sitting there  for show, collecting dust. 

Until now.  

I closed my eyes and reached out toward the alarm clock, my fingers spread like an owl's wing, and concentrated. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2013 ⏰

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