Jumping Though Time

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"You will be needing this one day." The child looked up at the elderly woman, the five year old was sitting on her lap. The little girl didn't really understand what she was trying to say but the woman's amber eyes told the story. She put the ring on the girl's finger, having it fall onto the floor because it was too big for the small hand. The elderly woman frowned slightly and moved the girl to sit next to her. She very slowly stood up and took a silver chain from one of the draws. The woman slipped it around the girl's neck with a smile. She didn't understand back then but as the girl looked back at her memory she could've told that it was a sad smile.

 Her chubby hands fiddled with the ring, looking at it indentations of the old family crest that surrounded a blue sapphire stone. The girl smiled as it shined brightly when the light hit it.

The woman on the other hand, took a small step to kiss the head of the small child. She knew it was her time to go. And she did, fading into nothing leaving her mistakes into the hands of her granddaughter.

That evening the police surrounded the house. One came out carrying a five year old girl in his arms. No one really knew what happened to the grandmother. Some do say that such an elderly woman just passed away others say that the woman could not take care of a little girl and abandoned her. When the girl would tell them that she didn't just leave her, she disappeared and would eventually come back, they would just sadly smile and nod their head. some of them would try to tell the girl the truth, but she refused to believe their lies.

So many years later:

"Sam do you know the answer?" Sam looked up cursing silently as she shook her head.

" Ask again?" She said hoping the teacher would not give her much crap for not paying attention again.

"The Prussian King that abolished toucher." Shoot what was the name of the king. Wait Prussia? Or did she say Russia. No, Prussia did not exist! She must have said Russia. Russian King Russian king... Who would be the Kng! 

"Uh, Ivan?" The class laughed. Shit, now she was in for it. The teacher sighed and shook her head.

"No, that is a Russian Tsar, Sam. Furthermore, Ivan, Ivan the terrible, would be one that approved toucher and even liked it. He after all, did throw cats and dogs off of the towers when he was young.I was looking for a King of Prussia, Frederick the Great."

Sam laid her head on the desk. History was her worst class. Now if you ask a math question then she would be able to do it no problem, but not if you ask something like "Who founded America, or shit like that. She would have absolutely no idea!

She fiddled with the ring that was around her neck. She didn't really feel comfortable with it on her finger even if it did fit. She put the necklace under her shirt. She reached back and took her long red hair and put it into a ponytail at the top of her head. The beg then rang signaling the end of the class period. YES FREEDOM! She grabbed her backpack and flung it on her shoulder desperately wanting to leave the class. Getting ready to run out of the room she got called back into the horrific place.

She sighed and walked past the doorway of freedom to the teacher's desk. The old woman took off her glasses and frowned slightly. "Now Sam, I know that you are a smart student, you do have A's in every subject besides history. I don't think you care about this class, but I-"

"Wait, you can look at students grades from other classes?"

"Not really but-"

"That means you did it illegally!"

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