Memories are Forever {6}

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Hey everyone,

I'm terribly sorry for the long wait but here is Chapter 6 of the story and thank you for having the patience to follow the story. I really appreciate it. Also, I hope that these 4 pages make up for the months that I haven't uploaded.

And a special thanks to my new fans for, of course, becoming my fans.

Dare :)

Copyright © 2011 by xDareToCarex All Rights Reserved

~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~

Memories are Forever!

Chapter 6

Amberlyne’s P.O.V

I was just about to make it out through the window of my basement bedroom when I got stuck.

“Goddamn it! I’m so-” I was cut off by someone twisting the knob on my bedroom door. ‘Shit, shit, shit!’ I thought to myself. I struggled and wiggled every way possible to get myself out of this stupid window and outside but to no avail. Therefore, I did my best to wiggle out of the window’s confines to get inside my room. With one last single struggle, I made it out of the window and fell on the ground with an ‘oomph.’

“Hey Amberlyne, your brother wanted me to come and check on you.” Nole said with a little smirk. Oh how I wish I could just wipe that attractive smirk off his lips.

“How did you get in here? I did lock the door, didn’t I?” I asked trying to remember if I did lock it.

“Oh, don’t you worry. It was locked I just unlocked it myself with these.” Nole said showing me a set of lock picks.

“Why do you have those? And how dare you come in my room without my permission!” I said, getting frustrated at every passing second. Nole walked in my room and closed the door behind him and locking it. I was getting a little nervous. “Why did you lock the door again?”

“I can unlock it if you want, it’s no bother.” He said walking towards the door again before my voice stopped him from taking another step.

“No it’s okay, you can leave it locked.” Why am I not scared to be in a room alone with a complete stranger? Shouldn’t I be shaking or screaming? But it probably has to do with the fact that I’m not normal at all. What I feel for him, is something completely different from other guys. I don’t have the need to shy away as much as if he were just another guy. Like my father used to say; go where the wind takes you. Right now, I think the wind would want for me and Nole to be together.

“Um... Nole, would you mind waiting until I fall asleep to leave, please?” I asked, embarrassed that I still get nightmares.

“Sure thing, but why can’t you sleep without me here?” Nole asked prying to find an answer.

“Well, ever since I’ve been raped, I can’t fall asleep at a proper time unless Cliff is with me. I can tell it’s starting to bother him to stay up until I’m asleep. If you don’t want to than that’s fine, it’s up to you to decide.” I rushed the last sentence out so he wouldn’t think that I would want him to sleep with me. It is another reason to have him stay longer with me but I don’t want to responsible for making him do something that he wouldn’t want to. Nole could tell that I was avoiding something but he knew not to pressure me into telling him.

“Okay, I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep, but don’t think that I feel sorry for you because I don’t. I just want you to be able to sleep so I don’t have to deal with a grumpy teenager tomorrow.” Nole smile as he said the last sentence to lighten up the mood. I knew some people who would want to be pitied, but me, I despised it.

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