Warrior Anastasia

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A/N: Hey guys so we wanted to know if you guys have any questions for any of the charcters or even for us? If so message them to us and they will be featured in the final chapter answered by the characters!

Even Hunter himself!

Take the opportunity guys, seeing as Hunter doesn't like talking much :)

Questions can also be directed to us, the authors. Directed to either Z or M or if not specified then both.

There is no limit as to how many questions you can ask. Know why?


The limit does not exist!

Run wild.

Any character will reply, even Kai (Hunters little brother), even Martha, Little Dylan, Mika, Prince Charles (Trey), Brandon from school, Kylie (her best friend - yeah she's a ghost), Nathaniel?... Anyone.

Anyways, enjoy little grasshoppers!

Chapter 38: Warrior Anastasia

At 10 o'clock in the morning we heard news that the St Mary's Mental Institution was officially closed after having found that evidence of severe misconduct.

Well, thank goodness for that.

Where's the logic in getting crazy people to treat crazy people?

Yeah, there is no logic in that.

Little Dylan had really been enjoying his time here, last night after Nathan and Hunter left we all watched another Home Alone movie and it felt...right.

He fitted in so well and I couldn't help but notice mom taking a real liking to him. She even stayed home longer than usual this time.

In fact, I'm actually on my way to her room to speak to her about little Dylan.

"Mom?" I asked as I peeked into her room. It's unusually dark in here and why is the closet door open and looking scarily empty?


I jumped in the air, (not as dramatic as it sounds), damn it. It was just the door.

"Mom?" I asked again stepping inside warily. I feel like I'm those stereotypical dumb blondes in those horror movies.

The grudge could be behind me and Freddy Krueger hiding in the closet for all I know.

Something touched my shoulder and I let out a terrified scream and so did the thing.

I turned to see what it was that scared me half to death.

As I turned, expecting Freddy Krueger to eat me alive, I let out another scream.

The thing was hideous, oh wait it was Dylan, but that didn't mean he looked any better than Freddy Krueger.

"Damn it Dylan you scared the hell out of me, what are you even wearing?" I questioned curiously, upon inspecting closely I realised it was one of my mom's beauty masks.

"Dylan?" I said gesturing to his face, giving him a weirded out look.

"What? It takes a lot to keep this masterpiece" He gestures to his face, "looking good" He finished off by caressing his own face and left to go to his room.

"I told dad he should've let me leave you in the asylum" I muttered under my breath as he left.

"Anastasia?" Mom came through her bathroom taking a seat on her bed.

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