Sooner or Later...You Won't Resist Me [Ch. 42]

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Sooner or Later...You Won't Resist Me

Previously: "So you cut my f*cking tire because you have some obsession over Cory?" I asked Lauren. In one swift motion, Lauren raised her hand and slapped my cheek. My head swung to the left as my right cheek sting. Oh hell no! Before she could hit me again, I pulled my fist back before launching it right into nose. "Why haven't you been texting me back?" Madison asked me. Soon enough, T. J. started rambling about Cory, Madison started rambling to me, Cory watched T. J.'s reaction with amusement , Courtney tried to get everyone to calm down while I began shouting towards Madison. It was like chaos in my front yard. "Now, tell us what the hell has got you all yelling like maniacs in our front yard," my mom instructed. We all opened our mouths to talk, but my dad interrupted. "Starting with why you're tire is slashed on your car Isyss," he stated firmly while looking at me. This one opened their mouths to speak. Oh...crap...

Chapter 42

My dad's gaze locked on me. I looked towards my peers for help, but each averted their eyes, gesturing that I'm on my own...yeah my so called "friends"...minus Madison. I cleared my throat. "Well haha, funny story," I began with a nervous laugh, trying to ease the tension away. "One of Cory's groupies came over looking for him and-"

"Groupies?" my dad interrupted while looking at Cory.

"Girls who find me attractive," Cory explained with a shoulder shrug.

"So why would they come over here for you? Do they not know where you live?" my dad asked him. Cory shifted in his seat.

Okay, this is where it gets awkward. "Because they have reason to believe that Isyss and I are dating," Cory answered my dad simply. Dad folded his arms over his chest and tilted his head a little while now glaring at Cory.

Uh oh, here's comes my protective father coming to his little princesses side to steer away boys. "You're dating my daughter?" he asked Cory.

Cory shook his head. "No sir," he answered simply and truthfully. I heard a snort come from the far end of the couch where Madison was sitting. Shit, he just admitted that in front of her. My mom, who's standing beside my dad, was watching Cory and I suspiciously. Okay, so maybe it wasn't such a good idea sitting next to him.

"Qué esta aciento? [what's really going on]," my mom asked me in Spanish.

I sighed. "Nada mamá [nothing mom]," I assure her.

She didn't seem to believe me. "Es algo entre ustedes dos? [is something going on between you two]," she asked while pointing an accusing finger between Cory and I.

I shook my head. "No Ma," I say simply.

"No me mientas [don't lie to me]," she stated firmly. Yeah, she's not big on lying, neither is my dad, which is why he's looking at me trying to find a hint of lying. The three sitting with me on the couch were as silent as the dead. I knew for certain that T.J. and Madison probably had no clue what my mom and I were saying, but the twins could probably make out a few of the words.

See, being around me for so long, they became able to understand some of the things I say in Spanish. You know, like certain words and stuff, but I don't know if they can understand a full on conversation like me and my mom are having; especially since my mom's accent is thick and she speaks fast.

"No estoy totalmente mentira. No estamos saliendo, pero ha simpatia.[I'm not fully lying. We're not dating but we like each other]," I tell her honestly, not bothering to lie since I see no point in it. My dad unfolded his arms and looked between Cory and I, he can understand what we're saying. My mom seemed to perk up a bit. I stole a glance at my peers, who all were staring at the scene in confusion.

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