Hotter Than Hell - Stranded

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Chapter Two – Stranded

The continuous roaring of thunder in the sky seemed to encourage the rain to fall harder. I tried to shield myself and my groceries under a tree nearby from getting soaked but it was a lost cause.

“Damn it.” I cursed, the rain seemed annoyed at by curses and beat harder on my skin as if that was my punishment for cursing too much, my body was already quivering because of the cold and I was sure in a few seconds I would freeze to death.

I should have known better than to go out when all indications in the sky suggested it was going rain.

“Miss Kaleen?” someone called, I couldn’t see who because it was raining too hard, but I heard the sound of a car approaching. A few seconds later it stopped in front of me and I realized it was not a car but a BMW motorcycle and Jason was riding it.

It was shiny, black and sleek not to mention monstrous, he looked so incredible sexy riding it in his black leather jacket and black boots, my heart began to flutter nervously as I stared into his green eyes, oh god what was it about this boy that drove me nuts.

He parked his motorcycle and came forward towards me, like me he was soaked but he didn’t look like a lost homeless cat like I did, the rain had made his T-Shirt cling to his body outlining his muscular chest, my fingers itched to stroke to chest just to see if he was soft or rough. His jeans outline his long legs and thighs.

“Damn it Kaleen, he’s a boy, a very young boy who is you student.” I scolded myself, I took in a deep breath and tried to regain balance and shake off the naughty thoughts that were circulating in my brain.

“Here give me that……. My god you’re so wet.”

“What.” I shrieked. The word wet brought something else to mind which had nothing to do with rain.

“I said give me the groceries.” He repeated puzzled by my outburst.

“Er yeah.” I said handing him the grocery bags, all while telling myself to calm down before I had a nervous breakdown, my heart was pounding so fast that it was making it had to breathe and I was surprised he couldn’t hear it throbbing sic it was thumping so loudly.

Jason walked back to motorcycle and sat down placing the bag in front of him, I didn’t know what he was doing, was he kidnapping my soaked groceries or what I wondered.

“Are you coming or do you want to freeze to death.” He asked looking at me suddenly.

“w-what you w-want me t-to g-get on that thing.” I asked staring at the giant monster in front of me, to be frank motorcycles scared the living day lights out of me, the day I had seen my cousin crack her skull whiles riding one was enough to put me off for life.

“Come on Kaleen, I’m freezing.” He pouted.

I sighed and run towards the motorcycle, if you looked at it I didn’t really have any choice, the rain didn’t seem like it would stop anytime soon and if I stayed under the tree they would find me tomorrow frozen and dead.

“I don’t know how to mount one.” I said.

He laughed and shook his head, “Mount….”

I blushed again, of all the word I could have used I had to use the one word that was close to sex, what was wrong with me.

Jason got off the motorcycle handing me back my groceries, he grabbed a helmet out on nowhere and helped me put it on. I could smell the faint aroma of leather and lemon as he strapped the helmet to my head

“Ok now I need you to watch me mount my motorcycle…….” He pronounced the word mount more firmly, luckily he didn’t see me blush again because of the helmet was shielding my face.

I nodded and watch him swing his legs over the motorcycle and settle down into a sitting position, I followed the same move, it was a bit awkward but I managed to settle down.

“Ok now wrap your arms around me so you don’t fall off.” Jason said, I didn’t see his face but I could tell he was grinning.

I on the other hand had been dreading this ever since he asked me to get on, I knew at one point I would have to close the gap between us and that terrified me.

“He’s your student, he’s just a boy.” I repeated to myself over and over as I leaned forward to embrace him from behind. The minute my body touched, electric sparks zinged down my body, my breasts tingled against his chest and butterflies started to dance in my stomach.

The upside of all this was his body provided mine with heat and I could feel the cold evaporating

“I can feel your heart racing Miss Kaleen.” He teased.

“Be quite Jason, it has nothing to do with you; I’m just scared of this monster I’m sitting on.”

He laughed, “Yeah right I don’t believe you.”

Before I could argue the monster roared into life and we sped forward, I hang onto him as if I was drowning.  The rain continued to soak us but I was no longer cold.

I must have dozed of lying on his back because the next thing I knew a gun went off near us and that made me sit up straight.

“What the hell.” I yelled.

“Hang on Kaleen.” Jason said. His voice was troubled as if he knew what was happening and why we were being shot at.

Bang Bang

More gun shots flew over our head and I panicked as I realized someone was shooting at us, adrenaline pumped through my body, “Jason is someone shooting at us.” I shrieked.

“Your house is around here right?” He asked ignoring my question.

“Yes but who’s shoo………” he cut me off mid-sentence.

“Just show me the way and I’ll explain it later on.” He said calmly.

“Fine…..take a turn here.” I said pointing at a T-junction, I waited for the next gunshot to come but it never did, it seemed whoever that had been shooting us had backed off.

A few minutes later we came to a half in front of my house, I climbed off and then turned to him waiting for him to give me an explanation but instead he leaned forward, took off the helmet and crushed his lips gains mine. My lips parted hungrily inviting him in, and I moaned as the kiss made my feminine places quiver with wild desire but then common sense returned and I pulled away from him shaken.

“Jason I ……” I began but he winked at me and drove off without telling me who had been shooting us and leaving me with the memory of his hot lips pressed against mine.

“He’s going to be the death of me.”I murmured standing by my drive way staring at my ruined soaked groceries. When I finally went into my house, there was another bloody note on my wall and it read, enjoying your stay I see.

                                            To be continued…………………

Hotter Than Hell [Teacher/Student]Where stories live. Discover now