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Interview: NawtEnoughKisses

My Thoughts on NawtEnoughKisses: Nek is very interesting and I was able to have a smooth conversation with her. Well, this is probably a little biased seeing as we were friends even before the actual interview. She was very open and seemed to enjoy our interview together...

And actually I have to put a warning up because at times I might seem like a real prick to Neck but it's all fun and games and harmless awkward non-gay flirting. Maybe.


How are you doing Nek?

Tired. Sleepy. I actually have a headache. I want to update but don't have the energy.

Wait, before I continue, does it seem weird calling you Nek? I mean, everyone calls me DJ so, well...

Haha, no it's not weird. Some people either say NEK or Kisses.

Kisses sounds like the pet name a married couple would use.

I guess we married! Just kidding, but call me what you're comfy with. If I take too long to reply, it's 'cause I'm doing my hair.

Why would you take back your marriage proposal? Alright then, Neck it is. That was a pun that would only work through text by the way. Speaking of which, I need to get my hair did.

I'm not ready to strip and commit. Neck? Is that the pun?

Yes that's the pun!

I'm bad at puns. I just don't think that their [sic] that punny.


That "punny" pun doesn't count anymore. Too many people use it to be punny.

You still used it! No fair haha.

Yeah but mine was an irony pun so it didn't count. Don't we have an interview to be doing?

Haha, exactly. I thought this was part of the interview actually.

It is. All of this was comedic gold Nek. No way I wouldn't record it.

Let's keep rolling!!

Okay okay. Let me get my questions out. I wasn't even really that prepared.

I'll give you a few. I'm pretty dull today sooo.

I beg to differ. Now, let's start with a formal introduction. Please state your pen name or Wattpad username and then tell me about the genres you write.

My Watty name is NawtEnoughKisses [she makes kissy faces]... How the hell did I think of that? Haha, I honestly don't know. I wanted somehthing sultry and cute.

All I write on my NEK account is L(Gay)BT fiction ranging from mostly romance, drama, and comedy. I've been meaning to dip in some other genres but as you can see, I need to complete what I have.

So you say on your "NEK account". Does this mean you have another account?

Yeah but I don't use it. It's only like, one story up there ant that's Blood Brothers. I called [sic] myself being slick, making another account to start a new book but a fan called me out. I tried to change my writing up in Blood Brothers but I guess it didn't exactly work.

Wait a second, this is hilarious. So a fan realized that it was you? They were like, "Uh you're writing exactly as Nek would."?

Ugh this is actually funny thinking back on it. they inboxed me on both accounts and said that the writing was so similar and if it was me or not. I started to deny it.

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