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  Needless to say, waking up in Harry's bed the next morning was very confusing.

  There was sunlight streaming in the open window and the bed I was in was completely unmade because of the tossing and turning I usually do in my sleep. I tried to remember of how I must've gotten in here last night, but all I remembered was falling asleep on the couch.

  Had I walked here in my sleep?

  The mortifying thought made me cringe. How embarrassing would it be to have to explain to a famous boyband member that you accidentally hopped into bed with him? Thankfully, I hadn't sleepwalked in years, so I decided to myself that wasn't even an option.

  When I unlocked my phone, something I do routinely every morning, my stomach churned. I had still been receiving texts from my persistent family and ex-fiance, all of which were telling me to "come back home." Some of the ones from Matthew were threatening and contained colorful language, so I deleted them all without a second thought. Since I had already gotten this far in my little escape, it would probably make sense to change out my sim card.

  I got out of bed with a loud yawn and walked out to the main part of the tour bus, where Harry was making what looked like to be oatmeal in the kitchen. Despite my thoughts telling me to act natural even though I woke up in this man's bed, I immediately blushed a furious shade of pink.

  "Um... hi." I said. 

  "Good morning!" He grinned, walking over to me and embracing me in a big hug. I molded into his big frame, feeling a lot better about the whole waking-up-in-Harry-Styles'-bed thing since he wasn't acting uncomfortable about it. How do I approach him about this without ending up acting like an awkward 12 year old boy?

  "So, I woke up in your bed this morning." I made it sound more like a question than an actual statement.

  "Yeah, about that." He giggled. "I couldn't help but notice you toss and turn around a lot last night, so I carried you to the bed and slept on the couch. And I wasn't watching you or anything, it was when I had to piss in the middle of the night."

  "Oh." I smiled. "Well, I have a bad back, so thank you." 

  "You should have told me yesterday!" Harry exclaimed. "Plus, the couch is very comfortable for me, anyways. It wasn't a problem." I nodded and walked past him to the fridge, where I got out some orange juice and poured it for myself. 

  "So, today we will be continuing our journey to the Statue of Liberty." Harry announced. "We're about two hours away from the city, and then we'll get to Lady Liberty by boat, and then we'll go up to the crown."

  "Sounds like a plan." I nodded, taking a gulp of my orange juice. I pulled a face when I realized that it was loaded with pulp and I spit it back into the cup in disgust. If there wasn't anything I hated more, it was the pulp from orange juice. 

  "Are you okay?" Harry asked. His face looked extremely concerned as he grabbed the carton of orange juice that I had gotten my drink from and read the expiration date. "This isn't expired or anything, is there something wrong? Are you allergic to something?"

  "I hate pulp." I coughed, pushing the cup away from me. "That was awful."

  Harry's face broke out into a goofy grin as he laughed at me.

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