Chapter 11 ~ Worst Quidditch Match Ever

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No. Hell no. He knew everything now. All of my nightmares had been revealed to him. He was a freaking stalker! Seriously, how did he even get into my little twisted mind? Dark magic? Did Snape help him? Why would he care about my dreams? This boy was unpredictable, which was one reason why I hated him.

But I was also unpredictable.

I didn't write anything back to him. I didn't want to start anything. I was gonna be the mature one in this argument. Because starting arguments and annoying the hell out of me was what Draco Malfoy did best.

What a bitch he was.

After classes, I immediately started on the essay Snape gave us. I finished in a little over an hour and so did Hermione since we both started working at the same time. We were in the library, one of the safest places in the school, where I could be alone sometimes. Usually, I worked on homework and stuff with Hermione. She liked that, because I was one of the only people who didn't ask her to do my homework for me. I was pretty smart for my age, but not as smart as Hermione.

She said I was very bright like her, but I disagreed with her completely.

"Hermione, who's the one that's taking three classes that all start at the same time? Not me!"

"But you're smart, too, Max. Why do you always deny it?"

"I think we both know the answer to that."

She shook her head. "Max, you shouldn't let Malfoy get to you. He's an idiot, remember?"

"I know that, Hermione. But he's just so annoying! He harasses me whenever he gets the chance," I replied. It was true, he did try to get on my nerves when he had the chance. I also hated him for that as well.

Once we finished our essays, we headed back to the Gryffindor Common Room. Hermione brought up the match tomorrow. I was nervous, to be honest, nervous about something bad happening during the game. Malfoy could attempt to jinx me or something like that. Like I said before, he had the power to kill me.

We went through the portrait and into the Gryffindor Common Room. Harry was sitting on the couch by the fire and Ron was sitting in his favorite chair. Hermione sat beside Harry and I sat by Harry's feet on the floor. The three of them talked about the match tomorrow and about the possibility of something bad happening.

I went up to the dorms and sat on my bed. I really wanted to know if Malfoy was planning to do something to me tomorrow. If he was, then I was going to be ready for whatever he was gonna throw at me. I snuck into the Boys' Dorms and went searching in Harry's trunk. I finally found the cloak after five minutes of tearing up his entire trunk. That was what he got for keeping the cloak at the very bottom of his trunk. Smart, Harry. Very smart.

I went down to the Gryffindor Common Room and somehow got past the trio and out through the portrait. I put the cloak over me and headed down the staircase.

Seriously, why did the Slytherin Dungeon have to be on the other side of the school? That was too much walking, even though I liked walking. Well, at least I got the exercise.

It was quiet in the halls, but that didn't mean that the Prefects and Head Students weren't patrolling somewhere. Percy had it out for me, because I roamed around a lot during first and second year. He caught me half of the time, but that was when Harry had the cloak all the time. I was now actually using the cloak for the first time since last year.

I saw Percy as he scanned around the halls, waiting to catch someone after curfew. Getting past him was easy. But he had eyes like a hawk. No joke. I crept past him slowly, making sure he didn't hear me or see me. Okay, I knew that I was under an invisibility cloak, but like I said, he had eyes like a freaking hawk. I finally got past him and I kept on walking.

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