Basic spell construction part 1

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Basic Spell Construction

Because of the very nature of Magick, each working should be highly individualized and personal. Even if following a traditional spell, it should be tailored to your specific needs to be most effective for you. Understanding the basics of Spell Construction will enable you to formulate your own specific, effective spells for any purpose you desire.

Preliminary planning is necessary. The very first step is to decide precisely what your desired end result is to be. Before you can start, you must decide where you are going. You must be very explicit.

It is important, also, that you choose your time carefully. You should take into consideration all Astrological implications, energy currents and Moon phases.

The Moon is the astronomical body closest to us and, therefore, has a profound influence upon us, it is very important to choose a time when the Moon is in an astrological sign which is appropriate for your working.

For example:

Aries/Action - Enthusiasm, Taurus/ Renewal - Sensuality,

Gemini/Communication -

Curiosity, Cancer/ Emotion - Nurturing, Leo/Vitality - Determined,

Virgo/Organizing - Studious, Libra/Balance - Cooperation, Scorpio/Sexual-

Philosophical, Capricorn/Authority - Ambitious, Aquarius/Innovation -

Social, Pisces/Sensitivity - Idealistic.

Bear in mind that magical workings for gain, increase or bringing things to you, should be initiated when the Moon is Waxing (from Dark to Full); when the Moon is Waning (from Full to Dark), it is time for magical workings of decrease or sending away.

The highest energy occurs at the Full Moon and, therefore, this is the most powerful time for magickal workings. The New Moon is the next most powerful time for Magick.

Whenever possible, follow Nature's natural Energy Currents. There is a natural time for starting things (a planting time), for maturing things (a growing time), for reaping things (a harvest time) and, of course, a time for rest and planning.

Flowing with these currents will make your magical work much easier. Remember to plan your project for a time of uninterrupted privacy. It is important that you have no distractions!!! Generally speaking, it is best to work as late at night as possible. A time when there is less frantic energy is most appropriate.

You might consider Midnight or later.

After all, midnight is the magical hour of most spells and rituals, and you will draw the MOST energy during a fool moon from various Great Spirits!

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