What happens

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So, the last chap I posted was when Melissa was getting ready to exchange herself to Tate for Bella.

Remember, Tate doesn't even have Bella near him to exchange Melissa. He was trying to trick Justin by taking both his wife and baby.

Justin stops Melissa as tears run down his face with his eyes full with anger, distress, and desperation.

He begs her to not go because he's almost lost her plenty of times and if she goes with Tate, he'll never see her again.

Then, Melissa starts crying and turns around, comforting Justin and attempts to convince him that her leaving is for the best.

After what seems like forever of convincing but only is about a minute because Tate rushes them, Justin lets go of Melissa.

She kisses him goodbye and tells him he's the best thing that's ever happened to her.

Justin says, "Right back at ya princess ."

He says this in an attempt to not seem weaker since he already has tears and is vulnerable.

He manages to crack a smile at Melissa and kisses her temple while embracing her tight one last time.

A car pulls up behind Tate in the distance and he somehow doesn't notice.

As Melissa walks toward Tate, she notices Connor walking toward Tate behind him with Bella in one arm, a gun in one.

A gunshot is fired and Tate falls to the ground with a bullet in the back of his head, leaving him lifeless.

There was supposed to be kinda a cliffhanger since they still would have to deal with the gang, so yeah.

There you go babys.

That's Stay Away 2.

Stay Away 2 (sequel to Stay Away) | #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now