Being with You - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Edited by tatergross


I was still in the depth of my kiss when she suddenly pushed me and start running down stairs. I was dazed and when I realised what had happened, she was already gone. I quickly made my way downstairs but I couldn’t seem to find her anywhere. God, she’s really fast.

I went to Amy, I had to know who she was, “Amy!” I yelled her name when I saw her talking to her friends.

“Hey, Zack,” she smiled. “I didn’t know you came,” she replied, kissing my cheek.

“Yeah, I came in late,” I told her, “Can I talk to you for a sec?”

“Yeah, sure what’s up?” she asked.

“There was a girl using your room just now. Who was she?” I asked her urgently.

“Hmm, Lisa and Sue were using it and before that…” she said thinking. “I think it was Zara, Jenny’s cousin. Why?”

“Are you sure it’s Jenny’s cousin?” I doubted.

“Yeah, why?” she asked.

“She doesn’t look like Jenny,” I said to her still not believing her.

“What? You think Jenny’s cousin has to look like her?” she laughed. “Why are you asking Zack? Do you want me to introduce you to her?”

“Who? Jenny’s cousin?” she nodded excitedly. “No thanks. Not interested,” I bluntly told her and walked over to the guys. I don’t want Jenny’s cousin I want my dream girl I told myself. I must find out who she was.



We went straight to our rooms when we got home. I didn't tell Jenny what happened. I couldn’t tell her that I kissed a stranger. I couldn’t believe I’d lost my first kiss to a complete stranger. My first day in LA I’ve already kissed Orlando Bloom look alike, except he’s younger of course.

Lying on the bed, I touched my lips, feeling the heat from the kiss. If kissing a stranger felt this good, I wonder how it would feel kissing someone you love. Like the way I’d seen my parents kiss each other.

That’s it, no more, I told myself. I’ll never kiss a stranger again. I’ll only kiss someone I love. I must keep reminding myself not to lose my head again.

I woke up at 8:30 the next morning. After showering I put on my T-shirt and boxer shorts, after I went downstairs and straight to the kitchen.

 “Good Morning”. My uncle was sitting at the table with a mug of coffee and newspaper in his hands.

“Morning sweetheart, sleep well?” my uncle replied.

“Yeah, thanks. What’s cooking?” I pulled out a chair and poured myself some orange juice.

“Pancakes”. My aunt smiled sweetly. “So how was the party? What time did you both get back?”

“12:30, the party was great. Jenny introduced me to her friends and they're all great”. I also kissed a stranger last night, I silently thought.  “We’re all going shopping today. Is that ok?” I asked them.

“Sure hon. Do you need any extra money?” my aunt asked.

“No, I’m ok. I still have some left from what you gave me the last time I visited,” I chuckled.

“Tell me if you need it, ok? Just remember, it’s your money but I’m just taking care of it,” she said.

“I will. I trust you to take better care of the money, just like mom & dad. I just hope that I’m not a burden to both of you,” I said softly.

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