37. "Cordero Is Going to Make Me Lay a Golden Egg or Something"

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                                                                               Chapter 37

Vocabulary notes:

 “Buon lavoro il mio figio- good job my boy

 Capiti?- understand

 Il Figio- boy

 Aurelio- the name means ‘golden boy’ 

 Rifuto- no! or I refuse!

 Il tonto- you idiot

 Il mio tesore- My darling or my little treasure

 Do you guys remember what Il mio cuore means? ;) 


            Coda’s POV

            “You’ve gotten rusty,” Cordero muses, his thick fingers pressed together. He glances down at the set of keys on the table, one Ferrari and an Audi, clearly unimpressed.

            I swallow the string of curses I want to yell at him, stilling the fire burning in the center of my chest.

            “Don’t underestimate me,” I say, raising my hand to reveal a set of keys that actually took a lot of effort to steal. “2008 Bugatti Veyron Pur Sang.” Cordero nods in appreciation, a spark in his eyes but I’m not finished. “That’s not impressive enough,  is it?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

            A slow smile spreads on Cordero’s face, eerily pleased and feral at the same time. Primal. This was a man that had no soul.

            I nod slowly. I had already learned Cordero’s game. Good wasn’t enough.

            “It’s Richard’s.”

            With those two simple words, I know that I have Cordero’s full attention now.

            Richard Phillips.

            Cordero’s “competition”.

            The man who ordered his men to kill Ridge.

            The gang life I had grown up in was centered on a game—a game of chess. It was comprised of Cordero making a move on Richard and Richard retaliating with a move that'd hit ten times harder. It was a constant back and forth game and we were all pawns in the game.

            “Buon lavoro il figio,” Cordero praises, clapping twice with his beefy palms. He leans forward in his chair and motions towards his desk.

            He wants me to hand the keys over.

            I clench it in the palm of my hands, trying to calm my voice. I needed leverage—something to insure Hazel’s safety. This plan wasn’t working out though. I was doing deeds for Cordero that I swore I would never do again. Stealing cars was second nature to me and Cordero profited big from my steals.

            “No more after this. You tell your men to back off of the Reed family,” I tell Cordero, unable to hide the venom in my voice.

            Cordero chuckles and rage boils in my blood.

            “The conditions were that I would return to be your little pet son again,” I say in disgust. “And in turn you would leave the Reed family alone.”

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