Chapter Three: Four Blocks of Peaceful Silence

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Creep: Are you okay? 1:45 am

You: Meh. Y tù? 1:50 am

Creep: Yeah. How was school? 1:51 am

You: Didn't have it. Fire, remember? 1:55 am

CreepOh. 2:01 am

You: Yeah. I go back to school in a week. What state? 2: 30 am

     It took me a while to send the last one. I was nervous, hoping he would just tell me and not ask why.  We would text each other often now, it was no longer weird, or at least I hope not, after a week and a half of it, ever since the fire. My mom knew that I talked to him but she didn't read any of it. In fact, she never really got ahold of my phone. I slept with it under my pillow, and even the smallest creak of the floor would wake me up, so she never got a chance to look at what we talk about. Angela would tease me about it, call him my boyfriend. At first I would ignore her, then I would correct her, but finally I gave up, and would respond to her when she said that even though we never met. 

Creep: Wow, stalker much? I live in Flordia though. 2:32 am

You: I live in England. 2:34 am

Creep: Shit, really? So much for meeting up one day. 2:35 am

You: Calm down, not really. I actually live in North Dakota. What time is it for you? 2: 39 am

Creep: Three something. Why? 2:40 am

You: Eastern time zone then. Do you live in the city? 2: 42 am

Creep: Yep. You? 2:45 am

You: You will laugh when I tell you where I live. 2: 46 am

Creep: Tell me anyway. 2:48 am

You: Medora. Medora, North Dakota. You probably never even heard of it. There is a population of a little over 100 people, and I have to wake up extra early to drive to school because it takes so long. Angela lives next to me but Kayla doesn't live close by, she lives closer to school. A lot of tourists drop by though, we may be a small four block town, but we have like, two or three hotels.We have a national park close by, and a horse stable. And every summer we have the Medora Musical. It gets pretty busy when summer rolls around. Usually I have two or three jobs every summer. 2:50 am

Creep: You're right. I am laughing. This is hysterically funny and I can hardly type a response. 2:58 am

You: I told you that it would be funny to you. But its true. We have one heck of a sweet shop though. And the souvenir shops have so many little bracelets and necklaces and who knows what else that I will never wear but I buy anyway. My room is full of it all. 3:00 am

Creep: Sorry, sorry. It does sound nice though. I can't picture it. I'm use to all the nearly out the door lines for sales on stuff no one needs and overpriced synthetic hamburgers. 3:04 am

You: Synthetic Hamburgers, huh? I'm not a complete alien though. Things get crowded down here during summer and I have been to fast food restaurants near school. Its not like we don't have internet up here, and we live in houses with electricity. I'm still normal, its not that weird. 3:06 am

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